UC National Laboratory Fees Research Program

Fostering collaborations between UC faculty, graduate students, postdoctoral researchers and laboratory scientists.

Featured Announcement: UC National Laboratory Fees Research Program is pleased to support upcoming systemwide workshops on Clean Energy Solutions and on Fusion Energy. Follow our Workshop page for ongoing details. 


The UC National Laboratory Fees Research Program (LFRP) sponsors innovative research, fosters new collaborations between UC faculty and national laboratory scientists, and provides unique training opportunities for UC graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

Funded by the net fee income the University receives for managing Lawrence Livermore (LLNL) and Los Alamos (LANL) National Laboratories, LFRP supports research of strategic importance to UC and the national laboratories via three funded opportunities:

Collaborative Research and Training Awards
In-Residence Graduate Fellowships
Systemwide Workshops

Goals and Priorities

  • Collaborative research between UC faculty and laboratory scientists
  • UC graduate students in programs that promote interaction between laboratory scientists and UC graduate programs
  • Research that takes advantage of unique laboratory facilities, especially involving students
  • Research in all fields and topics aligned with the mission of the laboratories

LFRP is a partnership of UC Office of the President's Research and Innovation and Office of National Laboratories. 

Learn More

Our program fact sheet and 2013 program brochure provide additional outcomes and highlights. 

Award details are available on the Prior Awards page.