Managing your records may seem overwhelming. Nevertheless it is essential.

Everyone at UCOP is responsible for properly creating, maintaining, and disposing of their university records. This means that information in all media (electronic or paper) must be readily available, understandable, and useable so that it can support decisionmaking and programs, clarify obligations, and protect rights and privileges. If a record’s retention period has lapsed, per the UC Records Retention Schedule, the record needs to be disposed of in an appropriate manner, except in the case of a records hold.

Records Management at UCOP provides general records management consultation to UCOP departments, including advice about records retention and disposition, records scanning and storage, and document preservation. It also provides training on a limited basis.

The unit maintains the UCOP Central Records Collection, which holds many of the permanent records of the Office of the President. These include reports, policy issuance letters, systemwide committee charge letters, other correspondence, and other significant documents or historical or operational value. RMS conducts searches of the collection upon request.

The unit also maintains the UC Records Retention Schedule in coordination with the campus records management coordinators.

For assistance, contact or (510) 987-0399.

Records management consultation

Availability: UCOP

Advice on best practices for managing departmental records

UCOP Central Records Collection

Availability: UCOP

Permanent collection of documents reflecting UCOP corporate history

UC Records Retention Schedule Link

Applicable: Systemwide

Searchable systemwide records retention schedule

Records searches

Availability: UCOP

Searches of the UCOP Central Records Collection

Tips and Training

Resources for records management

Records management (systemwide)

Systemwide committee and resources


Availability: UCOP

Secure document management