About the UC Tech Awards

The UC Tech Awards Program celebrates individuals and teams in the UC tech community who have contributed in areas of strategic importance to the university using technical tools and approaches. The UC CIO Council created the program in 2001 when an award for innovation in information technology was named after Larry L. Sautter. The program has grown to seven awards, which includes design, DEI leadership, innovation, IT Security, operational excellence, UC-wide collaboration and sustained impact. The UC Tech Awards Program celebrates those designing or implementing high-impact technology initiatives. It promotes an inclusive UC tech community by recognizing the technology contributions of people from across locations and disciplines, including business operations, research, education, patient care and public service. The UC Tech Awards are sponsored by the UC CIO Council, composed of the Chief Information Officers (CIOs) across the university. Each year, five members of this council, who rotate on an annual basis, select the awards winners. The annual call for submissions is announced about six months before the UC Tech conference each year, with applications due about three months before the conference begins, allowing the selection committee time to review and judge each application and notify winners about two months before the conference each year. To learn more about the UC Tech Awards program, visit UC Tech Awards Program Description, and find recent news on the UC IT blog news site or contact the awards program director, Laurel.Skurko@UCOP.edu.

Program Description

Application process, eligibility, selection criteria

UC Tech Awardees by Year

Applications of award winners