Other MRU Guidance

Guidelines for MRU Advisory Councils, Bylaws, and Modifications
Guidelines for the oversight and administration of UC Multicampus Research Units (MRUs) are set forth in the 2014 Compendium (pdf) (Section V), which derives from the 1993 Regents Policy 2307. The recommendations outlined here on MRU governance and operations, including bylaws and Advisory Council structure, are optional and offered to support the MRU’s success. Given the complexity of managing a typical MRU, directors are advised to follow best practices wherever possible.

See the Guidance on MRU Governance and Operations (pdf) for a downloadable copy of this guidance.

Advisory Councils | Bylaws | Modification Procedures | Additional Information

Advisory Councils

Each MRU should consider convening an Advisory Council, Governing Board, or other governance committee(s) to inform and strengthen the MRU’s pursuit of its mission and goals. Typically, Advisory Councils are made up of UC faculty experts as well as other individuals whose expertise helps the MRU achieve its goals. Some MRUs may have multiple advisory committees (for example, one devoted to external outreach and another focused on informing internal decisions).

Advisory Council membership should include broad representation and diverse perspectives and expertise from the participating UC campuses. Participation from other UC campuses and additional UC- and non-UC affiliated organizations to add outside perspectives, as appropriate to the scope and structure of the MRU, should be considered. Additional recommendations for Advisory Councils are outlined in the Guidance on MRU Governance and Operations (pdf).


MRUs should consider having written bylaws that outline processes for decision-making and orderly operations. MRUs should consider including the following in their bylaws:

  • Mission and scope
  • Governance structure, roles, and responsibilities
  • Meeting frequency
  • Voting, quorum requirements, and a process for amending bylaws

Bylaws should be reviewed at least every five years to ensure that they remain up to date. Bylaws should be composed in accordance with campus and universitywide guidelines for research units. A copy should be provided to the Vice President for Research and Innovation at UCOP when any changes are made.

MRU Modification Procedures

Any significant changes to the MRU scope and mission should be informed by Advisory Council input and recommendations. Requested changes to the MRU scope and mission should be reviewed and approved by the host campus VCR, VCRs of other affected campuses, and other campus leadership as required by local rules. Once local approval is obtained, the request and required documentation should be forwarded to the Vice President for Research and Innovation at UCOP, with a copy to UCRI@ucop.edu.