IRAP collaborates with campuses and with various UCOP divisions, including the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and the UCOP Research Policy Analysis and Coordination in analyzing the award and expenditure data to ensure that UC's efforts to secure external support for these critical activities continue to be successful. IRAP also collaborates with campuses and with various UCOP divisions, including Research and Innovation in examining how UC research leads to innovation.

Summary metrics can be found in the Research Chapter of the UC Accountability Report (Chapter 9).

Interactive data dashboards can be explored at the UC Information Center's Research subject area.

Research content and analysis is separated into the two categories below:

  1. Awards and expenditures
  2. Innovations and Commercialization

Awards and expenditures

Sponsored project reports

IRAP webpage

Campuses and other UC divisions submit information on contract & grant proposals and awards on a quarterly basis. The Sponsored projects annual reports analyze trends in UC’s extramural funding by sponsor source, by recipient location and by project type.

National Science Foundation Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) Survey

IRAP webpage

IRAP is responsible for coordinating the submission of NSF HERD Survey data for all UC campuses, as well as the Office of the President.

Awards and proposals

UC Information Center

A variety of project types are included in the award and proposal data. In addition to research, project types include training, public service, material transfer agreements, equipment and certain scholarships and fellowships. Clinical trials are included in the larger “Research” category, and are separately selectable.

Innovations and Commercialization

UC research impacts in California January 2018 PDF

January 2018

This map displays the impacts of UC research across California.

UC's inventions at a glance

UC Information Center

UC technology commercialization benefits the public by transforming UC inventions into innovative products and economic impacts.

IRAP experts and requests for additional information

IRAP experts: Research

Ryan Chan Gloria Issa

Requests and information
