Institutional Research and Academic Planning
IRAP research illustrates the impact the University of California has on advancing economic mobility for its students, their families and the state. Below is a collection of research completed to understand economic mobility of undergraduate and graduate students, along with opportunities for continuous improvement.
Interactive data dashboards can be explored at the UC Information Center's Alumni economic mobility subject area.
Alumni economic mobility content and analysis is separated into the three categories below:
- Economic mobility for undergraduates
- Other research on undergraduate alumni mobility
- Graduate education and economic mobility
Economic mobility for undergraduates
UC alumni earnings
UC information CenterUC alumni earnings in California by major, years after graduation and industries they work in.
Economic mobility of undergraduates PDF
January 2017Researchers define economic mobility as graduates moving over time from a lower rung in the income distribution to a higher one. This brief describes how UC compares with other institutions in the economic mobility of students.
UC-trained health professionals in California
UC Information CenterMap and description of UC-trained medical professionals—including graduate students and residents—currently practicing across the state.
UC and first-generation students, a formula for economic mobility and public benefit PDF
July 2018This brief summarizes the personal and economic growth experienced by UC first-generation students, along with their potential contributions to public welfare.
First generation student success at the University of California PDF
August 2017This policy brief highlights some of the unique ways that UC serves first-generation students and empowers them to achieve their goals.
CLIMB: A mobility analysis PDF
March 2018UC’s collaboration with the Equality of Opportunity Project and the CLIMB Initiative reveals new insights into UC’s role in enabling low-income students to achieve intergenerational economic mobility.
Other research on undergraduate alumni mobility
Is there a gender pay gap among UC graduates? PDF
August 2018Recent evidence reveals that University of California (UC) graduates are not immune from the gender pay gap that exists nationwide. This report compares earnings for male and female UC undergraduate alumni by major and industry of work, and also explores the relationships between gender, race, college GPA, and post-graduation earnings.
UC undergraduate alumni outcomes
UC Information CenterThis dashboard shows that, on average, UC graduates’ earnings double between 2 and 10 years after graduation. It also shows the post-UC earnings trajectory by major, and the proportion of UC graduates who go on to work in CA after graduation.
Student engagement positively affects post-college employment outcomes PDF
March 2016An analysis of the relationship between student engagement and post-college employment outcomes.
Graduate education and economic mobility
UC undergraduates are more likely to plan to earn a doctoral or professional degree PDF
January 2019The University of California Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) and the National Student Survey of Engagement (NSSE) both ask undergraduate students about the highest degree they plan to earn. This topic brief compares the likelihood of UC undergraduates to plan on earning a graduate degree to undergraduates of various Carnegie Classification universities.
UC student graduate school aspirations and outcomes PDF
January 2018The UC Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) shows that about 40 percent of UC’s undergraduates plan to enroll in graduate school, but less is known about their graduate degree success rates or how their plans and outcomes vary by demographic groups. This brief summarizes students’ plans to enroll in graduate school and their success in completing graduate degrees, by ethnic groups.
UC undergraduate alumni graduate degree attainment
UC Information CenterGraduate degree outcomes of UC graduates and the different post-UC earnings trajectory associated with graduate degree completed.
A century of Health: UC-trained medical professionals in California PDF
May 2017The University of California has provided graduate training to health professionals since Toland Medical College was transferred to the UC Regents in 1872, and is the oldest continuously-operating granter of health-related graduate degrees in the state.
IRAP experts and requests for additional information
IRAP experts: alumni economic mobility
Chris Furgiuele | Julienne Palbusa
Requests and information