User Agreement

Individuals must sign the UCOP User Agreement (pdf) as a condition of access to UCOP electronic information resources, indicating that they have read, understand, and accept the statements in the document and that they agree to comply with applicable policies and laws governing the use of University of California electronic information resources and the protection of data privacy.

New employees must sign the form when hired. The original copy of the signed form is kept in their departmental personnel files. In addition, new employees must accept an electronic version of the form before they access their UCOP computer for the first time. All employees must accept an electronic version of the agreement on an annual basis.

UCOP departmental HR personnel should print and use the most recent form provided here:

Please note that incidental personal use of individual UCOP user e-mail accounts (e.g., is allowed under the UC Electronic Communications Policy. Non-user UCOP e-mail accounts used by departments (e.g., or functions (e.g., may not be used for unofficial or unauthorized purposes