Each division, department, unit or program site within https://ucop.edu has a landing page which serves a "homepage" for that particular site. This is the page that appears when you click the Overview tab on your live website.

Read more about landing pages or use the links below to perform specific tasks related to landing pages.

Understanding landing pages

All landing pages

Summary of landing page options, goals, and design.

Edit the intro section

All landing pages | Easy

How to change the text in the first or second column of your department's landing/overview page.

Change the department head

Landing page 01, 02 | Intermediate

How to change the name of the department head on your department landing page.

Editing department/unit links

Landing page 01 | Intermediate

How to change the title, summary and/or top destinations links for the departments or units listed on a landing page.

Edit the link lists section

Landing page 02, program landing page | Easy

How to change the links in the link list section of your department landing page.

Add a block to a landing page

All landing pages | Easy

Add an existing block to the bottom row of your department landing page.

Edit a block on a landing page

All landing pages | Easy

Edit an existing block displaying in the bottom row of your department landing page.

Create new blocks


Get to know the various block types and learn how to create new blocks for display on your landing page.

Best practices: Landing pages

Crafting your website's introductory text.

See also: writing for the web