Policy issuances, 2020 - present

APM Policy Issuances 2020 to Present
Effective Date APM Description
01/17/25 235

Issued January 17, 2025, revised Academic Personnel Manual Section 235, Acting Appointments, is effective immediately.  Revisions were made to remove bullet "b" from APM - 235-25 to ensure consistent application of the acting title and to clarify when an appointee in an acting professor or acting professor of teaching title can be transferred to a regular professorial or professor of teaching appointment. Revisions were also made to references to the Professor of Teaching series and titles included in the series. Please see the January 17, 2025, issuance cover letter for details.

01/10/25 205

Issued January 10, 2025, revised Academic Personnel Manual Section 205, Recall for Academic Appointees, is effective immediately. Revisions were made to modify recall appointment eligibility language to include retired academic appointees in the Savings Choice plan who separate from the University via retirement, and to update benefits eligibility language. Please see the January 10, 2025, issuance cover letter for details.

01/01/25 240, 246
700, 711
715, 730
759, 760 

Issued December 19, 2024, revised Academic Personnel Manual Sections 240, 246, 700, 711, 715, 730, 759, and 760 are issued effective January 1, 2025. Policy revisions to APM - 710, Leaves of Absence/Paid Sick Leave/Paid Medical Leave, which expanded paid sick leave for academic appointees, was issued May 31, 2024, with an effective date of January 1, 2025. The revisions to the above policies are made to align other leaves policies with the revisions to APM - 710, update references to the names of Regents Policy 7303, APM - 025, and APM - 758, and to clarify and align policy with current University practice. Please see the December 19, 2025, issuance cover letter for details.

10/31/24 260

Issued October 31, 2024, revised Academic Personnel Manual Section 260, University Professor, is effective immediately. In 2009, the UC Office of the President funding for the University Professor duties was put into abeyance and was never reinstated. A technical revision was necessary to remove the reference to this funding from APM - 260. Please see the October 31, 2024, issuance cover letter for details.

06/13/24 358

Issued June 13, 2024, the repeal of Academic Personnel Manual Section 358, Faculty Fellows Program, is effective immediately, please see the June 13, 2024 repeal cover letter for details.

06/12/24 300

Issued June 12, 2024, the repeal of Academic Personnel Manual Section 300, Supervisor of Physical Education Series, is effective immediately, please see the June 12, 2024 repeal cover letter for details.

07/01/24 672

Issued June 10, 2024, new Academic Personnel Manual Section 672, Negotiated Salary Program, is effective July 1, 2024.  The new policy is to be implemented by July 1, 2025. The purpose of the Negotiated Salary Program (NSP) is to provide a mechanism for participating campuses to augment faculty compensation on a temporary basis according to competitive requirements of academic disciplines.  Specific goals of the NSP include: to recruit and retain outstanding faculty by leveraging external, non-state appropriated funds; to encourage and recognize significant contributions to the University mission; and to offer negotiated compensation to participating general campus faculty.  The policy includes the following provisions: eligibility, implementation plan, contingency plan, good-standing criteria, negotiated salary component, range adjustments, summer ninths, leaves of absence, and data collection. Please see the June 10, 2024 issuance letter for detailed descriptions of these key policy provisions and for background information.

01/01/25 710

Issued May 31, 2024, Academic Personnel Manual Section 710, Leaves of Absence/Paid Sick Leave/Paid Medical Leave, is effective January 1, 2025. The policy revisions include the following: expands eligibility for paid sick leave accruals or paid sick leave bank to certain policy-covered academic appointees and ensures access to paid sick leave for part-time academic appointees; expands reasons for use of paid sick leave; provides protected paid sick leave; provides paid medical leave to Agronomists, Astronomers, and Curators with full-time appointments for at least a full academic year; extends paid sick leave reinstatment period for reemployment after separation; and updated policy title to clarify that the policy applies to paid sick leave. Please see the May 31, 2024 issuance letter for details.

01/01/24 035

Issued May 3, 2024, Academic Personnel Manual Section 035, Affirmative Action and Nondiscrimination in Employment is effective retroactive to January 1, 2024.  Revisions to APM - 035 include adding nondiscrimination for off-duty cannabis use consistent with Assembly Bill 2188; Appendix A was deleted and incorporated into policy; and language regarding pay transparency from the systemwide Anti-Discrimination Policy was moved to the APM because the systemwide policy applies to students and other non-employees. Please see the May 3, 2024 issuance letter for details.

05/01/24 285

Issued May 1, 2024, Academic Personnel Manual Section 285, Professor of Teaching Series, is effective immediately.  Revisions to APM - 285 include a change in title for the "Lecturer with Security of Employment" (LSOE) title series to "Professor of Teaching".  The revised title for the series is reflective of the professional and scholarly achievements required for promotion in the series and aligns with the naming convention of Senate titles. The revision also includes the removal of Appendix A as it expired as of June 30, 2023.  Please see the May 1, 2024 issuance letter for details.

03/25/24 210

Issued March 25, 2024, Academic Personnel Manual Section 210, Review and Appraisal Committees, is effective immediately. Key revisions to APM - 210 include:  addition of language concerning the consideration of mentoring to criteria and assessment; revisions to text on evaluation and evidence of teaching and mentoring effectiveness; modification of existing language regarding contributions to diversity, equal opportunity, and equal access to education to reflect recognition of contributions to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging; recognition of contributions to diversity, equity and inclusion, and belonging in the review process for the Librarian Series; removal of section 210-5 due to discontinuation of the Supervisor of Physical Education Series and removal of Appendix B which expired on June 30, 2023.  Please see the March 25, 2024 issuance letter for details.

01/01/24 758

Issued December 15, 2023, Academic Personnel Manual Section 758, Leaves of Absence/Other Leaves With Pay is effective January 1, 2024.  Revisions to APM - 758 add reproductive loss leave allowing up to five days of leave for a reproductive loss consistent with Senate Bill 848. Please see the December 15, 2023, issuance letter for details.

11/17/23 710

Issued November 17, 2023, Academic Personnel Manual Section, 710, Leaves of Absence/Sick Leave/Medical Leave is effective immediately. The following revisions were made to policy:

  • Technical changes to add a designated person for family and medical leave due to changes to CFRA, effective January 1, 2023.
  • Substantive change to allow academic appointees to use accrued sick leave for medical appointments or illness of a designated person.
  • Addition of APM - 758, Leave of Absence/Other Leaves With Pay to APM - 710-1 to address bereavement leave.                          
Please see the November 17, 2023, issuance letter for details.

6/02/23 715, 760

Issued June 2, 2023, technical revisions to Academic Personnel Manual Section 715, Leaves of Absence/Family and Medical Leave and Section 760, Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing are effective immediately.  California Assembly Bill 1041, effective January 1, 2023, permits an employee to take leave under CFRA to care for a "designated person" with a serious health condition. The revisions to APM - 715 and 760 are necessary to bring the policies into compliance with the CFRA amendment and to clarify that PFCB is not a pay option available during leave to care for a designated person.  Please see the June 2, 2023 issuance cover letter for additional details.

5/22/23 500, 501

Issued May 22, 2023, revised Academic Personnel Manual Section 500, Recruitment, General, is issued and Academic Personnel Manual Section 501, Recruitment, From Other California Institutions, is rescinded, effective immediately.  Members of the Association of American Universities (AAU) are no longer expected to adhere to the AAU agreement referenced in the APM so the reference has been removed. Technical changes revise APM - 500 and rescind 501 to remove the deadline to make an offer for employment during the immediately ensuing academic year to a faculty member holding a tenure-track appointment at any institution which is a member of the AAU or other California Institution.  Please see the May 22, 2023 issuance letter for additional details.

7/01/24 025, 671

Issued January 6, 2023, revised Academic Personnel Manual Section 025, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members and Designated Other Academic Appointees and Section 671, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Health Sciences Compensation Plan Participants are effective July 1, 2024. Revisions to these policy sections were based on recommendations made in the Office of Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services (ECAS), Systemwide Foreign Influence Audit Report, published in February 2021. After extensive consultation and two Systemwide Review periods, the following key revisions were made:

  • Retained the current definition of Outside Professional Activities
  • Clarified that current or pending acceptance of an honorary, visiting, adjunct, or other institutional appointment (either compensated or uncompensated) at an outside institution is a Category I activity.
  • Clarified that participation or application to a talent recruitment program sponsored by a government agency of a nation other than the United States is a Category I activity.
  • Expanded the definition of Compensation to include in-kind contributions.
  • For faculty and Designated Other Academic Appointees, requiring compliance with federal funding agency laws and policies governing grant disclosures if participating in a federally funded research project and if deemed required to disclose per funding agency policy, grant terms & conditions, and/or federal law.
  • Removal of Appendices B, C, and D.

Please see the January 6, 2023 issuance cover letter for additional details regarding background, the consultation and review process, and policy revisions.

1/01/23 715, 760

Issued December 15, 2022, revised Academic Personnel Manual Section 715, Leaves of Absence/Family and Medical Leave and Section 760, Family Accommodations for Childbearing and Childrearing are effective January 01, 2023. Substantive changes were made to reflect an increase in the percentage of income replacement provided by the Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) pay option offered to eligible employees to apply to qualifying leaves as approved by the Council of Chancellors on April 6, 2022.  Revisions were made to APM - 715 and 760 in order to reflect the increase in the PFCB income replacement calculation from 70% to 100% of eligible earnings effective January 01, 2023.  Please see the December 15, 2022 issuance letter (pdf) for additional details.

7/01/22 759

Issued May 20, 2022, revised Academic Personnel Manual Section 759, Leaves of Absence/Other Leaves Without Pay, is effective July 1, 2022. The key policy changes include:  addition of examples of "good cause" for a leave without pay including leaves for innovation and entrepreneurship; language added to clarify that a leave without pay shall not exceed one year in length; however, a leave may be renewed in increments of one year or less, but not indefinitely; cross-references to other applicable policies; and other revisions to improve overall clarity and intent.  Please see the May 20, 2022 issuance letter (pdf) for additional details on background, policy revisions and implementation.

4/20/22 016, 075, 080, 100, 110, 130, 133, 140, 145, 150, 190-B, 205, 210, 220, 230, 235, 270, 275, 278, 280, 300, 700, 740, 765

Issued April 20, 2022, various Academic Personnel Manual Sections with technical revisions to update references to Regental governing documents are effective immediately. The updates were due to amendments to certain Regents' Bylaws and Regents' policies and the rescission of several Regents' Standing Orders that affected references to Regental governing documents in a number of APM policies. In addition to these technical revisions, technical revisions were made to APM - 205, Recall for Academic Appointees, and APM - 220, Professor series, to remove references to Standing Order 103.6, Retirement and Reappointment Following Retirement, which was rescinded by the Regents several years ago to eliminate the mandatory retirement age.  Please see the April 20, 2022 issuance letter (pdf) for additional details.

2/10/22 710, 715

Issued February 10, 2022, revised Academic Personnel Sections 710, Leaves of Absence/Sick Leave/Medical Leave and 715, Leaves of Absence/Family and Medical Leave are effective immediately.  The revisions include technical revisions to bring the policies into compliance with AB 1022 which expands the definition of "parent" in CFRA to include "parents-in-law". Technical revisions were also made to APM - 710 to align with revisions made to APM - 715 regarding CFRA.  Please see the February 10, 2022 issuance letter (pdf) for additional details.

7/01/21 700, 710, 715, 720, 730, 740, 750, 751, 752, 758, 760

Issued June 21, 2021, revised Academic Personnel Manual Sections 700, 710, 715, 720, 730, 740, 750, 751, 752, 758, and 760 (leave-related policies of the APM - 700 Series) are effective July 1, 2021.  Substantive revisions were made to the policies to clarify intent of language.  Technical revisions were made to remove gendered language and to correct minor grammatical errors.  Language was added to address the new Pay for Family Care and Bonding (PFCB) pay option.  Also, increased pay for childbearing and childrearing leave for eligible appointees from six to eight weeks and removed eligibility criteria for age of child for active service-modified duties (ASMD).  New sections were added on bereavement leave and jury duty leave.  Also, changes were made to comply with SB1383 requirements expanding California Family Rights Act (CFRA) effective January 1, 2021.  Please see the June 21, 2021 issuance letter (pdf) and the Pay for Family Care and Bonding Eligibility letter (pdf) for additional details.

3/22/21 385

Independent Contractor, Rescinded

11/20/20 240, 246

Issued November 20, 2020, revised Academic Personnel Manual Sections, APM - 240, Deans and APM - 246, Faculty Administrators (100% Time) are effective immediately. The policies were revised to align with previous revisions to APM - 025. Language has been added to clarify that Deans and Faculty Administrators who hold concurrent HSCP appointments are subject to APM - 670 and 671. Language has been revised to refer to the salary of the underlying faculty appointment and technical revisions have been made to remove gendered language and correct minor grammatical issues.  Please see the November 20, 2020 issuance letter (pdf) for additional details.

9/23/20 005, 015, 016, 020, 028, 075, 133, 140, 145, 150, 160, 190, 210, 241, 245, 270, 275, 279, 280, 330, 360, 370, 390, 662, 663, 670, 671, 680

Issued September 23, 2020, these revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Sections are effective immediately.  The revisions to the APM policies are technical revisions to remove gendered language and to correct minor grammatical errors.  Please see the September 23, 2020 issuance letter (pdf) for additional details.


2/1/20 011 Issued November 13, 2019, new Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Section 011, Academic Freedom, Protection of Professional Standards, and Responsibilities of Non-Faculty Academic Appointees, is effective February 1, 2020.  This policy establishes that whenever academic appointees with non-faculty academic titles listed in APM -112-4(b) (with the exception of students, academic student employees, and mentored/trainee academic appointees) are engaged in teaching, research, scholarship, or the public dissemination of knowledge, as defined in APM - 010, they are entitled to the protections of academic freedom established in APM -010, and they are obligated by the responsibilities specified in Part II of APM - 015, the Faculty Code of Conduct.  In addition, this policy establishes that when academic appointees with non-faculty titles listed in APM - 112-4(b) perform work that contributes to or supports the fundamental mission of the University, but that is not teaching, research, scholarship, or the public dissemination of knowledge, they must be free to pursue the work according to applicable, acknowledged, national, professional standards, if such standards exist, and are obligated by the responsibilities established by these standards.  See the November 13, 2019 issuance letter (pdf) and the APM - 011 FAQ document (pdf) for additional details.
1/15/20 025 Issued January 15, 2020, revised Academic Personnel Manual (APM) Section 025, Conflict of Commitment and Outside Activities of Faculty Members, is effective immediately.  The revised policy reflects technical revisions made to correct an inadvertent omission of language regarding uncompensated outside professional activities during the summer months in APM - 025-8-c; remove gendered language; conform with recent updates and revisions to other APM policies; correct minor grammatical and formatting inconsistencies; and update and add links to referenced documents in Appendix A. See the January 15, 2020 issuance letter (pdf) for additional details.