Faculty & Staff Promising Practices

Faculty and staff are in a unique position of being able to observe behaviors that indicate a student may be experiencing distress. In many cases, they will be the first to notice the early warning signs of trouble and have the initial opportunity to respond. At the University of California, we provide a host of resources to assist our faculty and staff to prepare for this important responsibility.

We offer these same resources to our graduate research and teaching assistants as we strongly believe that anyone who teaches, trains, advises, supervises, or mentors UC students is a gatekeeper for our community. Together, we aim to ensure that all our students have an opportunity to receive the appropriate support in their pursuit of academic excellence. 

  • Ucla Man purple shirt

Promising Practices:

Educational Videos:


If you are with a UC student in distress right now, contact your campus Counseling Center listed on our homepage for immediate consultation.