Business/For-Profit/Sole Proprietorship

An entity with an intended purpose to operate a business that will return a profit to owners of that entity/corporation.

Category Name and Code
Name REMS Category
Business/For-Profit/Sole Proprietorship 4

Business/For-Profit/Sole Proprietorship

This category includes any business or for-profit organization (including corporations, limited liability companies, limited partnerships, and sole proprietorships).

U.S. entities that are organized as non-profits but which have not yet received IRS tax-exempt determination, as well as disregarded entities (LLCs which are wholly owned by a non-profit corporation but which do not themselves have IRS tax-exempt determination), are also included in this category until such time as the entity can furnish a copy of their IRS determination letter or a completed 990 form.

The Black & Decker Corporation
TELOS Pharmaceuticals, LLC
Global Foundries Singapore Pte. Ltd.

How to verify:

For entities in the United States: All U.S. states and most U.S. territories post searchable business incorporation information online via their Secretary of State or Department of Corporations websites. A list of U.S. databases is available for reference below.

For entities outside the United States: Many foreign countries and territories have centralized business registries that can be searched. In cases where no national/territorial database is available, the company's legal existence and complete legal name must be verified through third-party sources. A list of foreign business registries is available for reference below; please note that in many cases the websites are not available in English but can be translated using in-browser translation.

OpenCorporates can be helpful in locating the state/jurisdiction of registration/incorporation if this information is unclear.

Registries for entities within the United States

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Registries for entities outside the United States

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