Innovation and Impact Awards

Innovation and Impact Awards are given to employees and/or teams of employees in recognition of exemplary service to UCOP.  2014 award winners were recognized at an OP-wide ceremony on Wednesday, April 29, 2015 at the Elihu Harris State Office Building Auditorium. 

Awards will be presented in three categories.

Award categories

  • Advancing the Mission
    Demonstrated extraordinary leadership resulting in the accomplishment of significant goals or work products which serve the good of UC and/or UCOP; significant project management; one-time innovation or creation that resulted in significant impact to UCOP—the impact may be monetary, organizational or process-oriented and is not limited to technological innovations.
  • Commitment to OP Culture and Principles
    Demonstrated commitment to and/or promotion of service and stewardship in the UCOP environment; significant improvement to the UCOP community; demonstrated inclusion of and respect for different viewpoints; dedication to making positive change especially in the area of morale; demonstrated superior interactions with and a positive influence on managers, peers, supervisors, subordinates and the UCOP community; significant aptitude for people management. Strives to uphold UCOP's Principles of Community.
  • Kevin McCauley Community Award
    Active and meaningful service in a local, state or national non-profit community-based organization resulting in a significant impact on the external community; voluntary individual effort with positive impact on the local community or its residents.

How to nominate

Nominations may be submitted by any UCOP staff member. Nominations need not come from the nominee's supervisor or department.

The nomination period will will begin in the fall of 2015.


All UCOP career employees are eligible except those classified as Senior Management Group.

Selection Committee

A Selection Committee will deliver a list of recommended awardees for final approval by the President.

The Selection Committee will strive to recognize all levels of staff, including MSP, PSS and administrative support. There are no cash awards associated with this program. The Selection Committee will review the nomination forms and make recommendations for awards based on an employee's or team's clear demonstration of outstanding contributions and/or significant impact within UCOP or UC. The nomination for each award should provide specific information about the individual or team, the impact they made and the reason they should be recognized.