Reporting relief

IRAP provides a wide range of reporting relief services to campuses by coordinating UC’s required reporting to federal, state and other agencies. In doing so, IRAP primarily relies on the standardized data that campuses provide to UCOP as part of the UC data warehouse (UCDW).


IRAP serves as the systemwide coordinator for IPEDS (Integrated Postsecondary Education Data Systems) reporting. IRAP annually prepares and submits required IPEDS surveys on behalf of the campuses and UCOP in the areas of finance, human resources, student enrollment, degrees awarded, undergraduate admissions, and student financial aid. Campuses prepare and submit the IPEDS surveys in the areas of graduation rates and academic libraries. IRAP also serves as the central communication link with NCES (National Center for Education Statistics) to remain apprised of submission deadlines and any changes to future reporting requirements. IPEDS estimates the annual burden per institution for reporting as between 113 to 195 hours.

IRAP prepares and responds on behalf of all ten campuses, ANR and UCOP to the National Science Foundation’s Higher Education Research and Development (HERD) Survey. The survey collects expenditure data on R&D activities by field, including the source of funding, type of research, type of costs, and headcounts of research personnel. NSF estimates that 54 hours are required per institution to respond to the survey.  


IRAP completes all student data reporting to the Student Aid Commission (CSAC) as required by SB70. This includes data on student enrollment, persistence, and graduation outcomes for Cal Grant recipients and all other UC undergraduates.

IRAP, in collaboration with UCOP Budget Analysis and Planning, prepares data and analysis to respond to the State of California’s legislatively mandated reports. Specifically, the Performance Measures Legislative Report (AB94), the Expenditures for Instruction Report, and the Three-Year Financial Sustainability Plan (AB93) rely in a large part on IRAP. IRAP also works with other UCOP departments to help respond to data requests from the California State Auditor.

Working with staff from Information Technology and Services, IRAP also helps to develop and validate the calendar year compensation data sets which are used to report to the State Controller’s Office on payroll earnings and certain employer paid benefit expenses. This dataset is also used to report employee compensation on UC’s own website.