UC 2030 equity goals community of practice

With its 2030 vision, UC set ambitious goals to increase timely graduation while eliminating disparities for low-income and first-generation students and for students from groups long underrepresented in higher education — specifically Black, Latinx and Native American students. 

The UC 2030 equity goals community of practice brings together institutional researchers, administrators, faculty, and student-facing staff from UC campuses to share information about innovations and best practices in areas that promote the University’s UC 2030 equity goals.  

Composed of UC employees, the community also promotes intersegmental collaboration through knowledge sharing with colleagues at the CSU system and the California Community Colleges.  

More information 

For more information about the community, including how to join the mailing list or receive an invitation to a meeting, please contact:
Laura Kertz
Senior equity and diversity analyst
Institutional Research and Academic Planning (IRAP)
UC Office of the President