Building & Administrative Service Center
Electric Vehicle Charging Stations
UCOP provides two charging options for electric vehicle (EV) owners parking in the Franklin parking garage.
Parking Enrollment & Information
Parking lots and locations are available to UC employees and affiliates. Employees may be able to pay their parking expenses using pre-tax dollars.
Commuter Benefits Program
The UCOP pre-tax commuter benefits program allows eligible employees to set aside income (up to the IRS limit) on a pre-tax basis for transportation and parking expenses.
Expectant and new mother parking support
In support of accessibility for expectant mothers, reserved handicapped parking spaces in the Franklin-Broadway building are available for female UCOP staff to park during pregnancy.
Non-UC Parking & Commute Resources
UCOP employees can take advantage of the following tools and services to improve their commute in the Bay Area and reduce their carbon footprint in the process.