Research Policy Analysis and Coordination
OMB Uniform Guidance
Navigating the Uniform Guidance
When navigating 2 CFR Subtitle A and B, and their subparts, it is important to understand that Subtitle A provides guidance from OMB to federal agencies on managing federal financial assistance, while Subtitle B contains specific regulations implemented by each individual federal funding agency regarding their grant programs, with each agency having its own chapter within Subtitle B.
Key points to remember:
- Subtitle A: This section contains guidelines for federal agencies on how to administer grants and agreements, including requirements for application processes, cost principles, and reporting procedures.
- Subtitle B: This section contains specific regulations implemented by each individual federal agency regarding their grant programs, meaning you'll need to go to the relevant agency's chapter within Subtitle B to find details about their grant requirements.
- Parts and Subparts: Within each Subtitle (A or B), information is organized into "Parts" which cover specific topics, and each part is further divided into "Subparts" that delve deeper into those topics.
How to navigate 2 CFR:
- Access the eCFR: Go to the Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) website to access the Code of Federal Regulations.
- Select Title 2: Navigate to "Title 2" which covers regulations related to government-wide Grants and Agreements.
- Choose Subtitle A or B: Depending on what you're looking for, select either "Subtitle A" for OMB Uniform Guidance or "Subtitle B" for specific agency regulations.
- Find the relevant Part: Within the chosen Subtitle, locate the "Part" number that corresponds to the topic you're interested in (e.g., Part 200 for Uniform Administrative Requirements).
- Explore Subparts: If necessary, access the relevant "Subpart" within the chosen Part to get more detailed information.
- To find information on OMB cost principles for a federal grant, you would go to "Title 2, Subtitle A, Part 200, Subpart E".
- To find specific grant application requirements from the National Science Foundation (NSF), you would go to "Title 2, Subtitle B, Chapter XXV, Part 600".