Institutional Research and Academic Planning
Five-year planning perspectives
Every other year campuses submit to the Office of the President their Five-Year Planning Perspectives which list the anticipated actions to create and/or transfer, consolidate, disestablish, or discontinue undergraduate and graduate degree programs, schools, colleges, and other academic units. With the Perspectives, campuses have the opportunity to gather information useful to their own long-range planning efforts.
The Perspectives also support long-range planning at the system level as integrating lists from all ten campuses allows for systemwide analysis of academic plans and creates an opportunity to promote coordination, synergy, and specialization. During each Perspectives cycle, results from campus submissions are distributed for review and comment to select administrative leaders, such as the Provosts & Executive Vice Chancellors, Graduate Deans, and Vice Provosts/Deans of Undergraduate Education, as well as the Academic Senate (campus divisions as well as systemwide committees, including the Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs, the University Committee on Educational Policy, and the University Committee on Planning and Budget). The Academic Planning Council reviews the comments received and discusses implications. In the past, the Perspectives have contributed to discussions on systemwide trends, such as the growth of Self-Supporting Graduate Professional Programs and plans for online programs, while also informing Regent’s Items and reports to the state related to the Compact—without having make separate requests to campuses for information.
The most recent planning cycle is for the 2024 to 2029 period:
2024-29 Five-Year Planning Perspectives (pdf)
2024-29 Five-Year Planning Perspectives and California Workforce Projections (pdf)
2024-29 Five-Year Planning Perspectives Campus Submissions (pdf)
Trends in Academic Doctoral Programs, 2004-2024 (pdf)
The reports for the previous Perspectives periods can be found here:
2022-27 Five-Year Planning Perspectives (pdf)
2022-27 Five-Year Planning Perspectives Campus Submissions (pdf)
2020-25 Five-Year Planning Perspectives (pdf)
2020-25 Five-Year Planning Perspectives Campus Submissions (pdf)
2018-23 Five-Year Planning Perspectives (pdf)
2018-23 Five-Year Planning Perspectives Campus Submissions (pdf)
2016-21 Five-Year Planning Perspectives (pdf)
2016-21 Five-Year Planning Perspectives Campus Submissions (pdf)