IV. Reconstitutions of Academic Programs and Academic Units

A reconstitution refers to any combination of actions treated as a unified plan and intended to transfer, consolidate, discontinue, disestablish, or change the name of10 an academic program or academic unit.11 TCDD actions are defined as:

  • Transfer: Moving a program or unit into another one that subsumes it;
  • Consolidation: Combining two or more programs or units to form a new unified program or unit;
  • Disestablishment: Eliminating an academic unit or research unit;
  • Discontinuance: Eliminating an academic program.

10 A simple name change does not involve a reconstitution. Typically, a simple name change is sought to accommodate popular and accepted changes in the nomenclature of an academic field or discipline. It is a change that is not associated with any substantive modification to curricular offerings or resource needs of academic programs and units.

11 Any aggregation of academic programs organized as a school, college, division, or another title that appoints faculty members who are members of the Academic Senate and who vote as a unit under Academic Senate Bylaw 55 shall be treated as an academic unit.

Ordinarily, a proposed TCDD is initiated in one of three ways: 1) it is included in a Five- Year Planning Perspective; 2) it results from a formal Senate review; or 3) it is initiated by the local campus administration. Although establishment of a new academic unit or program may result from a reconstitution, the process for establishments of programs and academic units are addressed in sections II and III respectively.

Reasons for reconstitutions vary, but may include administrative efficiencies, financial exigency, changes in the field, demand, and fund-raising opportunities. Disestablishments and discontinuances are two actions that are usually interrelated. For example, the reconstitution of an academic unit more often than not results from—or may result in—the discontinuance of one or more academic programs. CCGA is responsible for system-level review of reconstitutions of graduate degree programs and graduate groups.

Schools, colleges, departments, and programs are evaluated not only for their academic achievements but also for the adequacy of their support. The results of the evaluation should help determine whether more or fewer resources are appropriate and may even lead to a recommendation for program termination. The absence of proper funding can lead to the decline of existing programs and/or diminution in the quality of new programs. One central tenet of program review is that comparable programs should be comparably funded across the system.

IV.A.  Transfer, Consolidation or Discontinuance of Undergraduate Programs

Generally reconstitutions of undergraduate degree programs are a Divisional matter, the campus’ decision is final, and no system-level involvement is necessary. There are three exceptions to this rule: if a program proposed for discontinuance is the last one of its kind in the UC system; if the program awards a degree title that is the last one of its kind12 (see II.C. Undergraduate and Graduate Degree Programs with Unique Titles); or if the Divisional Senate is not appropriately involved in campus review of the proposed action. In any of these cases, system-level review may be required.

12 A program is understood to be the last one of its kind if its program of studies is not substantially reproduced by any other program or within any other academic unit in the UC system.

Details of the Process

  1. If the undergraduate program proposed for discontinuance is the last one of its kind in the UC system or if the Divisional Senate is not appropriately involved in campus review of the proposed action, then the Divisional Chair sends a letter regarding the proposed action to the Academic Council Chair with copies to the UCEP Chair, UCEP analyst, and Provost.
  2. The UCEP Chair considers the proposed action and whether system-level review is necessary.
  3. If system-level review is deemed necessary, UCEP reviews the proposal. The UCEP Chair transmits the results of this review to the Academic Council Chair.
  4. The Academic Council Chair transmits UCEP’s findings/recommendations to the Divisional Chair with a copy to the Provost.

IV.B.  Transfer, Consolidation, Discontinuance, or Disestablishment of Graduate Degree Programs and Graduate Groups

In most instances, campus decisions on TCDD actions for graduate degree programs are final. There are two cases in which they may be subject to system-level review: 1) if the Divisional Senate is not appropriately involved in the campus process; or 2) if any systemwide implications are not satisfactorily addressed. CCGA and/or the Provost can request system-level review in either circumstance.

Details of the Process

  1. Whether discovered through the Five-Year Planning Perspective process or by other means, the Provost notifies the campus of any concerns regarding potential adverse systemwide implications of a TCDD proposal and may request system-level review after campus review is completed.
  2. As soon as CCGA learns of the proposed action, it considers systemwide implications and/or involvement of the Divisional Senate. CCGA conveys any questions or concerns in writing to the Divisional Senate and/or campus administration, with copies to the Provost and the Academic Council Chair.
  3. CCGA notifies the Provost, with a copy to the Academic Council Chair, as to whether or not it wishes to review the TCDD proposal.

Final Steps When System-Level Review Is Not Required

  1. If neither CCGA nor the Provost requests system-level review, then on approval of the Divisional Senate and campus administration, the Chancellor notifies the Provost, CCGA Chair, and Academic Council Chair of the TCDD action with a copy to the Divisional Chair. The campus decision is final, no system-level review occurs, and the review process is complete.

    Final Steps When System-Level Review Is Required
  2. If either CCGA or the Provost requests system-level review, the Chancellor, upon approval of the Divisional Senate, forwards the TCDD proposal to the CCGA Chair and to the Provost with a copy to the Academic Council Chair. 
  3. When actions involving graduate degree programs are likely to affect the functioning of associated undergraduate degree programs, CCGA refers the proposal to UCEP for review and comment.
  4. CCGA completes its review of the proposal and reports its findings to the Provost with a copy to the Academic Council Chair.
  5. If needed, the Provost works with the campus to resolve any systemwide issues identified in reviews by Academic Affairs, CCGA, and UCEP. CCGA must approve the final resolution.
  6. The Provost notifies the campus, CCGA, and the Divisional Chair of final approval.

NOTE: If the graduate degree program proposed for discontinuance uses a degree title that is the only one of its kind on the campus, then additional reviews and approvals may be needed (see see II.C. Undergraduate and Graduate Degree Programs with Unique Titles).

IV.C. Transfer, Consolidation or Disestablishment of Academic Units

Any aggregation of academic programs organized as a school, college, division or other title that appoints faculty who are members of the Academic Senate and who vote as a unit under Academic Senate Bylaw 55 shall be treated as an academic unit.  All proposed TCDD actions for academic units should be included in the campus Five-Year Planning Perspectives as early as possible in the proposal development process. Appropriate steps should be taken to ensure that systemwide implications are considered. Proposed actions that CCGA would ordinarily review continue to require CCGA approval. All other proposed actions would be endorsed by the reviewing Senate committees/Academic Council and would be approved by the President as well as the Regents, if needed.

Details of the Process

  1. The Chancellor transmits to the Divisional Chair, the Provost, and the Academic Council Chair a 1- to 2-page description of the proposal.
  2. Based on the description provided, Senate committees (generally CCGA, UCEP, and/or UCPB) notify the Academic Council Chair of any concerns regarding potential systemwide impacts or Divisional Senate involvement. The Academic Council Chair is responsible for sending the Provost a recommendation on the proposed TCDD action. Subsequently, the Council Chair and Provost are responsible for investigating any concerns and determining how to address them.
  3. Once the campus completes a reconstitution proposal, it is sent out for formal review by campus administration and by the Divisional Senate. If campus administration and the Divisional Senate approve the proposed reconstitution, the Chancellor submits the proposal to the Provost and to the Academic Council, CCGA, UCEP, and UCPB. Council Chair may distribute it to other Senate committees for review.
  4. The Provost distributes the proposal to UCOP staff for analysis, which is then shared with the Academic Council and with CCGA, UCEP, and UCPB Chairs.
  5. UCOP will provide the proposal upon request to state officials and agency staff (e.g., Governor, Department of Finance, Legislative Analyst).
  6. The CCGA Chair convenes a Senate subcommittee with the chairs of UCEP, UCPB, and any other participating Senate committees to coordinate/expedite Senate committee reviews as appropriate. CCGA is the lead committee for these reviews unless the proposed reconstitution affects only undergraduate programs, in which case UCEP functions as the lead committee.
  7. For any proposed graduate degree program actions for which CCGA would ordinarily act on behalf of the Senate (e.g., reconstitutions of graduate groups), CCGA’s approval continues to represent final Senate action, and should be sent to the Divisional Graduate Council Chair, the Graduate Dean, and the Council Chair, among other stakeholders.
  8. Each Senate committee reports its recommendation on the proposal to the Academic Council. The Academic Council Chair serves as arbiter if there is not concurrence among final recommendations of the review committees.
  9. The Academic Council Chair conveys the Senate’s comments and recommendations to the Provost, who makes a recommendation to the President.
  10. If the TCDD action concerns a school or college, the President recommends approval of the TCDD action to the Regents, as prescribed in Standing Order of the Regents 110.1.
  11. Upon Regental approval, the Provost notifies the campus Chancellor with copies to the Council Chair, CCGA Chair, UCEP Chair, UCPB Chair, Senate Executive Director, CCGA analyst, UCEP analyst, UCPB analyst, campus Registrar, and campus contacts (including faculty proposer).