Appendix B.1: Five-Year Planning Perspectives - Format for Submitting Descriptions of Anticipated Actions

The descriptions for an anticipated action included in a campus’ Five-Year Planning Perspective should follow the format below. To comply with page guidelines (2-5 pages for creating a school or college, 1-2 pages for everything else), information should be presented concisely. Information should be geared to the anticipated action (creation, transfer, consolidation, disestablishment, discontinuance) and the entity (graduate degree program, school or college). No descriptions are required for undergraduate degree programs or research units.


Identify the campus on which the anticipated action will occur. If the anticipated action involves two or more UC campuses or some other entity (e.g., a DOE lab, a CSU campus), identify all participating entities and specify which is the lead campus.

Name and Anticipated Action

Provide the name of the academic program (including specific degree title; e.g., PhD, MA), school or college, and identify the anticipated action.

Description of and Reasons for Anticipated Action

Describe the anticipated action, why it is worthwhile, and how it relates to the campus’ mission. Provide enough information so that a previously uninformed reader can have a reasonable understanding of the academic program or academic unit that is envisioned (for establishment), that exists and will be changed (for transfer or consolidation), or that exists and will be disestablished or discontinued. For a school or college, include the academic degree programs and academic units it has or will have.

Relationship to Existing Campus Programs, Units, and Mission

Identify existing campus degree programs, academic units, and/or research units that are similar to those involved in the anticipated action (whether they will be created, changed, or ended).


For anticipated establishment of new programs and units, describe the new faculty, staff, courses, and facilities (including equipment, space, and library) that are needed. For anticipated TCDD actions, describe current resources of the program or unit (e.g., number tenured faculty, number untenured faculty, staff, space, research support, S&E) and identify those that will be freed up in the anticipated action.


For anticipated establishment of new programs and units, describe anticipated funding sources and strategies (including fee status for graduate degree programs). For anticipated TCDD actions, describe current funding sources for the program or unit.


Provide an estimate of the numbers of undergraduate and graduate students likely to be involved as the action is being implemented and when it is at a steady state. For anticipated TCDD, describe arrangements for current students to complete their degree program.

Employment Implications

For anticipated establishment of graduate degree programs, describe likely employment opportunities after degree completion. For all other anticipated actions, describe implications, if any, for employment of students after graduation.

UC Campuses and Other California Institutions with Similar Offerings

Identify other UC campuses and other California institutions with academic programs or academic units similar to those for which either an establishment or a TCDD action is anticipated.

Anticipated Campus Review and Implementation Dates

Provide an estimate of when the proposal will be ready to begin campus review and when proponents would like to implement what is being proposed. For academic degree programs, provide the preferred date for first enrolling students in a new degree program or for last enrolling students in a degree program that will be transferred, consolidated, or discontinued. For schools and colleges, provide the preferred date for opening a new unit or for transferring, consolidating, or disestablishing an existing unit.