
Centrally Funded


Smartsheet is a spreadsheet-based tool for easy project management and is great to manage team projects.  Smartsheet can assign tasks, track project progress, manage calendars, share documents, and manage other work, using a tabular user interface.

  • Licensed User - A Smartsheet license is required to create new content (sheets, reports, dashboards, forms); modify sheet structures (add/move/delete/reformat columns), and manage resources.
  • Unlicensed User and Free Collaborators - It is not necessary to purchase licenses for individuals who will be collaborators (i.e., those who need only to view sheets and update rows, and contribute to Smartsheets created by others).

Ordering Information

Unlicensed users do not need to request access, they can login directly at

If you intend on creating Smartsheets and need a license, you can request one through the Software Request form in Service Now.


SmartSheet is centrally funded for UCOP staff. There is no cost to requesting departments.


Read about Smartsheet coaching and if interested, contact for a code. One-on-one Coaching with Smartsheet Pro desk