Sponsor salary caps in UCPath

What is a salary cap?

Various extramural sponsors limit the amount of salary or the rate of pay that can be charged on the projects that they fund, most notably the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under a legislative mandate in place since 1990.

To ensure that a sponsor is not over-charged when it limits the amount of salary it will reimburse, UCPath, the University of California's systemwide common payroll system, tracks sponsor salary caps.

How to request a salary cap

In an effort to coordinate the maintenance of sponsor salary caps across the UC system and reduce the number of tickets being sent to UCPath, Costing Policy & Analysis has developed a process to request new and updated sponsor salary caps.

If your campus identifies a sponsor salary cap, please report the cap with back-up documentation to Ashley.Harrington@ucop.edu

Once a sponsor salary cap is received, Costing Policy & Analysis will evaluate the request, seek input from Contract & Grant and Extramural Funds leadership, request the salary cap change in UCPath, and report the change in UCPath to the Contract & Grant Leadership and Extramural Funds Managers listservs.