Systemwide Contract Listings

Category Listings of Currently Contracted Supplier Agreements

The webpages below feature listings of currently contracted supplier agreements for use by all University of California locations systemwide. These contracts are organized by commodity categories and updated monthly. 

UC Procurement awarded these contracts based on a rigorous competitive bidding process focused on pricing, quality and sustainability. Contract access is available to all UC staff via CalUsource and the OMNIA Partners public sector website – UC's partner in public sector sourcing. (For contract access issues, please contact a UC Procurement or campus procurement representative.)

Facilities, Maintenance & Capital Programs

Information Technology

Life Sciences

Professional Services

UC / OMNIA Partners competitively-bid contracts: 

UC Procurement acts as a 'lead agency' for OMNIA Partners to create a portfolio of competitively bid cooperative contracts that leverage the vast scale of the University of California's purchasing power. These contracts have been used by more than 3,500 public agencies in all 50 states.

UC/OMNIA Partners Contract Portfolio 

UC/OMNIA Partners Contract Launch Trainings (SharePoint)


UC Procurement Connections 

Add the bi-weekly Monday meeting at 11 am to your calendar.