Leading on Climate
Julianne Rolf
CNI Fellow - Class of 2015
Undergraduate Student, Environmental Engineering
UC Riverside
Integrated Appliance System (IAS): Dual Heating Using Solar Energy
The overarching goal of this work is to design a green and sustainable appliance system to achieve energy efficiency, cost efficiency and improved air quality goals. The Integrated Appliance System (IAS), a sustainable alternative to current electrical home appliances, mainly uses solar thermal energy to power three appliances: a closet dryer, space heater and water heater. It features a uniquely designed solar collector to increase the temperature of both water and air for household uses.
The overarching goal of this work is to design a green and sustainable appliance system to achieve energy efficiency, cost efficiency and improved air quality goals.
Future Plans
I plan to pursue a research career in environmental engineering and continue to improve the environment.
Kawai Tam