Xuewei Qi

CNI Fellow - Class of 2015

Graduate Student, Electrical and Computer Engineering
UC Riverside


Visualizing the Traffic-Related Air Pollution on UCR Campus


In recent years, traffic-related air pollution has garnered significant public awareness. It is reported that traffic-related emissions is a major contributor to today’s air quality degradation, leading to adverse public health problems. The objective of this proposed project is to develop a visualization tool for estimating pollutants (e.g., CO2, PM2.5) concentration (i.e., spatial-temporal distributions) on the UC Riverside campus, resulting from motor vehicle activities on major road segments inside and/or near campus.


A visualization tool will be made and used as a benchmark for the evaluation of air quality on the UC Riverside campus. This tool also can be used as a guide for the planning of campus facility and events, in order to achieve campus sustainability at UC Riverside.

Future Plans

If this map built exclusively for the UC Riverside campus works well, we plan to extend this map to cover all other UC campuses.