
Adopted: May 11, 2022

The University of California CIO Council is the university wide IT governing body that works in partnership with and advises UC leadership on goals, priorities, and technology-based strategies in support of UC’s mission.


University of California CIO Council


To align UC’s use of technology, data, design, and innovation to advance the impact and reputation of UC research, education, community service, and thought leadership; and to advance common IT initiatives that benefit two or more locations or UC as a system.


To identify, prioritize, sponsor, and advise on high-value opportunities that advance the UC mission.

Structure and Governance

Chair. The full CIO Council is chaired and convened by the UC Vice President for Information Technology (VP IT). The VP IT chairs the CIO Council and the CIO Council Executive Committee, and is an ex-officio member of CIO Council Campus and CIO Council Health subgroups.

CIO Council. The full CIO Council is composed of all CIOs from the UC locations, and consists of three administrative subgroups.

Subgroups. Each subgroup forms its own governing structure, vision statement, goals, and meeting schedule. The three subgroups are

  • CIO Council Campus. This subgroup is composed of campus, ANR, LBNL, UCOP, and UC Law San Francisco CIOs and the VP IT. The CIO Council Campus chair is nominated by CIO Council Campus members and confirmed by majority vote for a term of 2 years.
  • CIO Council Health. This subgroup is composed of the six UC health system CIOs and the VP IT. The CIO Council Health chair is nominated by CIO Council Health members and confirmed by majority vote for a term of 2 years.
  • CIO Council Executive Committee. The executive committee is composed of the VP IT, the CIO Council Campus Chair, and the CIO Council Health Chair.

Subcommittees. The CIO Council establishes topic-specific subcommittees composed of at least two CIO Council members. The subcommittees periodically meet with the VP IT to report on their work.

CIO Council Working Groups. The CIO Council sponsors working groups composed of individuals from across the UC Tech community to support a specific domain of concern. Existing working groups are the Educational Technology Leadership Committee, Electronic Accessibility Committee, Research IT Committee, UC Information Security Council, and IT Strategic Sourcing Committee. A liaison from the CIO Council may be assigned to an CIO Council working group to provide guidance and to communicate issues and requests to the full CIO Council and/or subgroups.

Professional and Auxiliary Unit Working Groups. The CIO Council sponsors working groups composed of IT leads from professional and auxiliary units, such as UC Press, the California Digital Library, extension, and the schools of law, business, and medicine.

Membership and Participation

CIO Council members are appointed by the location head.

Membership is maintained by participation in CIO Council activities. If members fail to participate in three consecutive official events, they will be asked to withdraw until they are available to actively participate. Members agree to the following principles of participation:

  • Attend meetings themselves and not send delegates
  • Attend a minimum of ten meetings a year (barring emergencies)
  • Be committed to engaging fully, cultivating a community of trust, practicing transparency, and supporting compromise and collaboration to achieve greater benefit for all
  • Take responsibility for serving on subcommittees for specific initiatives, driving and reporting on progress, and producing deliverables; and for serving as CIO Council liaisons to CIO Council Working Groups on a rotation basis.


CIO Council. The full CIO Council meets collectively three times a year in extended one- or two-day meetings (for example, the shaded cells in the sample schedule below. The CIO Council Executive Committee plans the joint agenda. A facilitator may be assigned to assist with substantive discussions.

Subgroups. CIO Council subgroups meet separately on a regular basis, as determined by each subgroup.

Sample Meeting Schedule. The full CIO Council and subgroups may meet according to the schedule below.

Groups Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
CIO Council 1.5d 1.5d 1.5d
CIO Council Campus 1.5hr 1.5d 1.5hr 1.5hr 1.5d 1.5hr 1.5hr 1.5hr 1.5hr 1.5d 1.5hr 1.5hr
CIO Council Health 1d 1.5d 1d 1d 1.5d 1d 1d 1d 1d 1.5d 1d 1d
CIO Council Exec 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr 1hr