About Systemwide Workforce Planning and Development


Systemwide Workforce Planning and Development provides HR strategies and resources to support the university in acquiring, developing and retaining top talent to align its staff workforce with its long-term strategic goals and fulfill its mission and vision.

Our Objectives

To enable university locations’ human resources professionals, and leaders and managers to:

  • Align workforce with university strategic goals
  • Forecast future workforce needs
  • Address skill and capability gaps
  • Support employee professional development and career mobility
  • Improve retention and job satisfaction
  • Enhance equity, diversity and inclusion

Our Core Responsibilities

We provide staff strategies, expertise, guidance and resources to university systemwide and location HR leaders and professionals. We identify and help university locations implement leading and best practices, find collaborative opportunities to build programs and share resources across multiple locations, and support staff legal and policy compliance in the following areas:

  • Workforce Analysis and Forecasting
  • Strategic Talent Planning
  • Organizational Readiness
  • Talent Acquisition
  • Talent Development
  • Career Mobility
  • Employee Retention