
We are in the process of updating this website to reflect the new FlexWork program. For more information about the FlexWork program, refer to the UCOP FlexWork program all-staff message and the UCOP FlexWork Program FAQ.

Future of Work Phases

  • Phase 1: Define FOW program and begin re-opening, phased return to on-site operations
  • Phase 2: Transition, implementation, intentional culture change 

The UCOP Future of Work program will be implemented in two phases. The first phase, which is now complete, focused on defining the Future of Work program and our phased UCOP re-opening at all of our locations.

In Phase 2, which has begun, we will continue to refine the process, identify how we can support culture change, and conduct initial future of work assessments and adjust as necessary.

Future of Work Phase 2 Timeline

Updated on March 9, 2023

  • March 8, 2023: Deadline for Program Implementation Working Group volunteers from divisions
  • March 15, 2023: Program Implementation Working Group kickoff meeting
  • April 3, 2023: Future of Work Phase 2 implemented by April 3 - Staff are expected to be in their full on-site, hybrid or remote schedule by that date. We strongly encourage you to start making plans now, so you’re prepared for the transition.