
We are in the process of updating this website to reflect the new FlexWork program. For more information about the FlexWork program, refer to the UCOP FlexWork program all-staff message and the UCOP FlexWork Program FAQ.

UCOP has evolved to a hybrid organization with on-site, hybrid, and remote workers. Being a hybrid organization is new for us as it is for many organizations. In the coming months and next few years, we will continue to evolve as we learn how to make this new way of working support the optimal functioning of the organization and flexibility and balance for our employees.


June 13, 2024 Introducing the UCOP FlexWork program
April 3, 2023

President Drake and EVP/COO Nava welcome you to Future of Work Phase Two

January 26, 2023 Update on our UCOP Future of Work program

More announcements

Our objectives are to:

  • Strive for a culture in which our employees can thrive
  • Support UCOP in becoming a leading employer of choice
  • Create a physical work environment that complements the operating model and supports workforce and collaboration needs
  • Realize cost savings by consolidating and reducing real estate footprint and operational procedures to reduce overhead costs

We will follow these guiding principles:

  • Balance needs of the organization, teams and employees
  • Proactively and intentionally support UCOP’s values and vision, including culture, connectivity, equity, inclusion and accessibility
  • Align with evolving workforce trends, including higher education and other industries, to help UCOP retain current talent and be positioned well to recruit future talent  
  • Consider operational implications
  • Consider cost implications
  • Consider internal and external stakeholder perceptions

Related UCOP Initiatives

The Future of Work program is integrated with our ongoing COVID-19 response and protocols. While these elements are interdependent, COVID-19 is a separate effort. You can find more information on the UCOP coronavirus site.