Piloting Chancellor’s Inclusive Excellence Awards at the University of California, Irvine.

UC Irvine, 2019-2020

Project Principal Investigator

Douglas M. Haynes, Former Vice Chancellor, UC Irvine

Project Abstract

UC Irvine’s Chancellor’s Inclusive Excellence Awards program will use evidence-based practices to distribute up to 10 Chancellor’s awards to newly hired tenured (5) and tenure-track (5) faculty in both academic and professional schools. Pilot awardees will serve for two years, receiving a minimum $50,000 budget for scholarship related to inclusive excellence, and travel support of up to $5,000. These funds will incentivize yield of these faculty members, and support scholarship aligned with the UCI strategic plan, particularly in the areas of building capacities through growth that makes a difference, developing a student experience that is first in class, and engaging with community members as partners. This pilot resonates with evidence that campus resources and commitments to reward distinguished scholarship in inclusive excellence fosters faculty inclusion and satisfaction. It also addresses tenure-track faculty’s need for scholarship resources and clear supports for mid-career reviews. The cohort of 10 awardees will not only deepen faculty leadership in campus strategic areas but will also generate critical momentum for a $10M campaign to endow the program.

Project Link: 

Scholarship Publication: 
