Facilities Manual
Multiple Prime Contract Templates
Used for Separate Contracts with Multiple Prime Trades
The Multiple Prime contract templates listed below may be used by the University for any project that the University divides into two or more parts to enter into a separate contract for each part. Multiple Prime is an administratively burdensome and riskier method of project delivery. Consult with Office of the General Counsel and Office of the President before committing to this project delivery method.
The following documents are approved by the Office of the President and Office of the General Counsel for use by the Facility. A facility may place its logo on the Cover page. Each template document starts with a cover sheet and set of instructions. These instructions are for the Facility only and should not be added to the Contract Documents when distributed to the Bidder or Contractor.
Documents identified as "core documents" shall not be modified by the Facility. Any revisions to these templates are made and issued by the Office of the President.
CertificationAdvertisement for Bids
Project Directory
Instructions to Bidders - Core Document
Supplementary Instructions to Bidders
Information Available to Bidders
Bid Form
Bid Bond
General Conditions - Core Document
Supplementary Conditions
Affirmative Action Program (pdf) [Editor's Note: If required by funding sources]
Certificate of Insurance
Payment Bond
Performance Bond
Application For Payment
Selection of Retention Options
Escrow Agreement for Deposit of Securities In Lieu of Retention and Deposit of Retention
Submittal Schedule
Cost Proposal
Field Order
Change Order
Conditional Waiver and Release Upon Progress Payment
Unconditional Waiver and Release Upon Progress Payment
Summary of Builder's Risk Insurance Policy (pdf)
Confirmation of Certification
Report of Subcontractor Information and Final Distribution of Dollars (fillable pdf)
Certificate of Substantial Completion
General Contractor Claim Certification
Subcontractor Claim Certification
Conditional Waiver and Release Upon Final Payment
Unconditional Waiver and Release Upon Final Payment
Notice of Completion
Division 1 Templates (zipfile with Word templates)
List of Drawings