Policy Governance

University of California Policy Advisory Committee

This Committee is charged with recommending a framework for systemwide administrative policy development and maintenance, providing oversight and direction to executive policy owners, and assuring that policies are accessible, presented within a logical framework and appropriately disseminated. If you are looking to submit a policy for review, see the current Policy Advisory Committee Schedule

  • Aafia Ali Khan, Policy Specialist, Systemwide Human Resources Policy
  • Kelly Anders, Director, Academic Personnel and Program
  • Ellen Auriti, Senior Principal Counsel, Office of General Counsel
  • Agnes BallaDirector, Research Policy Analysis and Coordination
  • Kristin Cordova, Chief of Staff, Information Technology Services
  • Ruchika Dhussa, Senior Research Policy Manager, Research Policy Analysis and Coordination
  • Tuanh DoExecutive Director and Deputy to the Vice President/Vice Provost, Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs
  • Kelly Drumm, Deputy General Counsel, Legal Policy and Operations, UC Legal
  • Epiphanie Gillette, Executive Advisor, UC Legal
  • Angelina Gomez, Director, Employee Services, UCPC
  • Ian Harazduk, Systemwide Policy Manager, Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services
  • Dianna Henderson, Chief of Staff to the VP Systemwide Human Resources & Executive Director-HR Policy
  • Alexander Hill, Advisor, UC Health
  • Heather Kopeck, Director Development Policy & Advancement Relations, External Relations & Communications–Institutional Advancement
  • Michael LaBriola, Assistant Director, Academic Senate
  • Diane Lallemand, UCSC Director, Administrative Policy & Records, Campus Policy Managers Representative
  • Gary Leonard, Executive Director, General Liability & Property Programs, Risk Services
  • Irene Levintov, Chief of Staff to the Senior Vice President/Chief Compliance & Audit Officer
  • Monica Lin, Executive Director, Academic Senate
  • Marisa McAuliffe, Director of Issues Management and Strategy, President's Executive Office
  • Deena McRae, Associate Vice President, Academic Health Sciences
  • Deborah Motton, Executive Director, Research Policy Analysis and Coordination
  • Abby Norris, Policy Specialist, Systemwide Human Resources Policy
  • Cathy O'Sullivan, Chief of Staff, Chief Operating Officer
  • Kimberly Peterson, Chief Policy Advisor, Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs
  • Christina Saint Martin, Production Director, UCPC
  • Robin SanchezDirector, Policy, Compliance & Programmatic Agreements, ANR
  • Brandi Schmitt, Director of Anatomical Services, UC Health
  • Clare Sheridan, Regents Analyst, Office of the Secretary of the Regents
  • Meredith Turner, Chief of Staff, External Relations and Communications
  • Megan Villasenor, Chief of Staff, UC Controller, Financial Accounting
  • Rebecca Woolston, Associate Director, Academic Policy and Policy Exceptions
  • Olga Zundel, Policy Specialist, Systemwide Human Resources Policy