Research integrity and misconduct

Federal regulations require that the university assume primary responsibility for prevention, detection, and investigation of research misconduct and take action to ensure the integrity of research. University policies establish standards of ethical behavior for all members of the university community and prescribe procedures for due process and discipline for deviation from those standards.

This page provides information on policies and regulations relating to research misconduct. Specifically, this covers allegations of fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism, in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results.

Campus programs and contacts
Campus program Research Integrity Officer
UC Berkeley Lok Siu, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
UC Davis Denise EhlenExecutive Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
UC Irvine Jill Kay, Director of Research Policy (administrative contact)
UCLA Roger Wakimoto, Vice Chancellor for Research and Creative Activities
Ann Pollack, Special Assistant to the Vice Chancellor for Research and Creative Activities (administrative contact)
UC Merced Leslie Teixeira-Porto, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Research (administrative contact)
UC Riverside
Rodolfo H. Torres, Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development
Djurdjica Coss, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Economic Development (administrative contact)
UC San Diego Corinne Peek-Asa, Vice Chancellor for Research
UC San Francisco Brian Smith, Chief Ethics & Compliance Officer
Kelly Simmons, Assistant Research Integrity Officer (administrative contact)
UC Santa Barbara Barry Rowan, Research Integrity Director
UC Santa Cruz
John Macmillan, Research Integrity Officer and Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
Csilla M. CsaplárAssistant Vice Chancellor, Research Administration and Compliance (administrative contact)
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Joerg HeberResearch Integrity Officer
UC Office of the President Marci CopelandAdministrative Coordinator
Agriculture & Natural Resources Brent D. HalesAssociate Vice President of Research and Extension


Recent and Notable ORI Research Misconduct Cases

Office of Research Integrity, Research Misconduct – ALJ Decision 7-13-18 Kreipke: Definition of Reckless

The July 13, 2018, Administrative Law Judge Decision, U.S. Department of Health vs. Dr. Christian Kreipke, imposed a five-year debarment after finding that Kreipke recklessly caused or permitted twenty-three (23) instances of research misconduct in his three (3) grant applications, two (2) articles on which he was the first listed author, and two (2) posters on which he was the first listed author. The judge precisely defined “reckless” within the context of research misconduct in his ruling that Kreipke “used materials without exercising proper care or caution and disregarded or was indifferent to the risk that the material were false, fabricated, or plagiarized.”
