Enterprise Risk and Resilience
Unit Risk Workbook
This workbook will help you consider the factors affecting the risks faced by your Campus or Medical Center location. It will help you compare the benefits and risks of each option so you can make informed decisions.
This tool shall support data collection and analysis activities for the following subject areas:
- Event Likelihood
- Financial Severity
- Reputational Impact Severity
- Time to Impact
- Injury Severity
Download Risk Assessment-Unit Risk Workbook
Please note: Upon opening this file a Security Warning will be presented. In order for the workbook to function properly, users will need to select the button labeled "Enable Macros" when prompted.

Steps to complete the Risk Assessment-Unit Risk Workbook
Please note: Upon opening this file a Security Warning will be presented. In order for the workbook to function properly, users will need to select the button labeled "Enable Macros" when prompted.
Steps to complete the Risk Assessment-Control Workbook
- Download and save the file to your computer.
- Upon launching the file you will see an area to be populated towards the top right corner titled "User Information". *
- Select the blue "Get Started!" button on the lower left side of the screen.
- A table of subject areas and respective descriptions will appear allowing users to evaluate risks. See illustration (below) "Step 1: Identify Potential Risk Events":
Risk Assessment – Control, Step 1: Identify Potential Risk Events

- Populate each of the remaining subject areas by selecting the appropriate sections.
- Selecting the "Summary" report will display Potential Risk Events with and without controls for each of the risk categories. This section of the workbook provides users the ability to export and save data in a ".csv" file format for integration into ERMIS. The "Export" button is located below the "Summary" description as illustrated below:
Risk Assessment- Control, Export for ERMIS Integration

- Selecting Chart of Events will display a Control Map – Chart of Events visualization in which users have the ability to change "x-axis" and "y-axis" dimensions using different set of controls.
- The saved ".csv" results can be emailed to ERM for ERMIS upload and future reference.
* Please note: The "User Information" field entries found on the Introduction page of each workbook should represent a unique combination of values. Exports which containing the identical combination of "Location Name," "Department," "User" and "Date" fields will result in replacement of existing data.