Business Resource Center
Booking travel using Connexxus
Airfare Pre-Trip Authorization (PTA) requests
To book air travel the traveler/arranger or proxy logs into Connexxus. You can book online or contact agents at UC Travel or BCD/Concur.
- Send the itinerary (preferred) or price estimate with detailed trip information to the Travel & Entertainment team mailbox with the following additional information:
- Authorizing signature of individual with delegated authority (scan and attach), or e-mail directly from authorized individual approving travel;
- Business reason for travel;
- Department Code;
- FAU (Department Full Accounting Unit) to be charged;
Name of Agent who booked the arrangement (if using UC Travel).
BRC will obtain Pre-Trip Authorization (PTA #) to direct bill the department and notify traveler/arranger.
If travel is being booked through Connexxus (online or with an agent) arranger or proxy will supply PTA# when requested for payment. (If using SWABIZ – Southwest Airlines website - through Connexxus, traveler is required to use personal credit card or UC Travel & Entertainment card for payment. To direct bill a Southwest Airlines flight, traveler must make arrangements through BCD.)
For more detail, please refer to the PTA Quick reference guide.
- Traveler will receive an email with the ticketed itinerary once the payment information (PTA# or credit card) is entered.