State Funding Guidelines

Beginning July 1, 2017, UCOP is no longer funded by unrestricted funds provided through campus assessments.  The campus assessment funding has been replaced for FY2017-18 with funds directly appropriated from the State of California.  State funds (19900) have specific expenditure restrictions, especially for travel and entertainment.  Please refer to the resources below for more information.

New UCOP Preapproval Process - Event Planning

To ensure that we are meeting our obligations to oversee the proper use of funds, new preapproval requirements for certain expenditures are effective immediately.

  • Any expense that requires additional or exceptional approval regardless of funding source must receive preapproval a minimum of two weeks prior to commitment of funds. This new requirement is due to the various funding restrictions, policy changes, and to protect departments from incurring costs that cannot be reimbursed. 
  • All events should be planned with a 10% buffer in the cost per person meal budget to ensure that any changes made on the day of the event still allow expenses to remain within the per person allowances stated in Policy.
  • Please submit all preapproval requests for additional or exceptional approval to using the Exceptional/Additional Preapproval Request form. Executive Director UCOP Operations Thera Kalmijn is the approver for all items requiring additional or exceptional approval under this new guidance.
  • After-the-fact requests are unlikely to be approved and will require a higher level of approval from Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Rachael Nava. Please submit all after-the-fact requests for additional or exceptional approval to using the Exceptional/Additional After-the-Fact Request form.