Deans' Salary Structure Compensable Factors

To set salaries for individual deans, the chancellor assesses compensable factors for the position based on a model that accompanies the Deans’ Salary Structure (see table below). Traditional factors most easily matched using market benchmarks are academic discipline and core functions of the position, i.e., size of the school, including faculty, staff, and students, scope of responsibilities, and complexity of the operations.

Compensable Factor                         
1. Core job functions
  • Core job functions used in matching market benchmarks
  • Primary factor used in determining appropriate band assignment
2. Size of existing job and
scope of responsibility
  • Span and complexity of oversight (departments, scope of programs, and/or direct reports)
  • Number of full-time equivalent employees and faculty
  • Operating budget managed by the dean
  • Number of undergraduate, graduate, and/or professional students
3. Complexity of existing
job responsibilities
  • External factors, including fundraising responsibilities
  • Complex and varied funding sources, i.e., grants and contracts from state, federal, industry or foundation funds; revenue from medical centers
  • Number and diversity of multi-disciplinary functions reporting to the dean
  • Operation of joint programs in partnership with external entities (including other campuses)
  • Environmental challenges such as building programs, political environment, and/or managing multiple sites