Systemwide Human Resources: UCOP Human Resources
Education and Training
UCOP offers the following training courses specifically designed to prevent sexual harassment and sexual violence.
Sexual Harassment/Sexual Violence Prevention Training for Non-Supervisors
Starting January 31, 2016, non-supervisory staff will be required to take sexual harassment prevention training that must be completed within six weeks for any new hires. This 50-minute course is available online through the UC Learning Center.
Sexual Harassment /Sexual Violence Prevention Training for Supervisors
Online Training
All employees who supervise others are required to complete sexual harassment prevention training every two years. In addition to staff supervisors, most academic employees (including all faculty) have been identified as having supervisory authority for the purposes of this law, and are required to receive the training. New supervisors must complete this training within six months of assuming supervisory responsibilities. This is mandated by State Assembly Bill 1825, which went into effect in 2005. Supervisors may meet this requirement by completing an online course through the UC Learning Center.
Live Theater
Instead of the online training, supervisors and managers who have not yet completed their required sexual violence/harassment prevention training may choose to attend live theater-style sexual harassment training. Space is limited for the live presentation so sign up early for this session:
The live theater training will be held Wednesday, March 1st from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. in Franklin Lobby 1
To register for the training, log in to the UC Learning Center. Type “Sexual Harassment Prevention Training” into the Search box. Check the session, then click on the Register box and then click Submit