IRAP Survey Services

IRAP's Survey Services can assist units across UCOP and the campuses that participate in UC systemwide surveys to UC students, faculty, staff, and alumni.

Survey Planning & Consultation

IRAP offers consultation on instrument design, question wording, sample determination, survey programming in Qualtrics (our online survey tool), survey administration, and analysis and reporting. IRAP will consider requests for assistance with the development and analysis of surveys conducted by UCOP and UC systemwide units, committees, and task forces. Please contact to schedule a consultation.

When planning to administer a survey, IRAP takes several matters under consideration, including:

  • Currently available systemwide data, including survey data
  • The broad systemwide purpose of the survey
  • The IRAP survey calendar to identify potentially competing surveys
  • Managing the number of surveys a specific population receives in a period of time to ensure the survey response rate is not compromised by a decreased willingness to participate in surveys (i.e. survey fatigue)

Survey Requests & Proposing New Surveys

The IRAP survey team also reviews multi-campus or systemwide proposals to survey UC students, faculty, staff, and alumni. To allow for a thorough review of each proposal, proposals should be submitted at least 2 months prior to the planned administration date (e.g., submit a proposal by April 1 if you want to administer the survey starting June 1).

Please send responses to the following questions along with a copy of your survey instrument to

  1. How often will the survey be administered?
  2. When will the survey be administered (e.g., spring, fall, etc.)
  3. What is the population size for the survey?
  4. How many reminder messages will be distributed?
  5. Will any incentives be offered to participants?
  6. Any additional information you think would be helpful

Survey Administration

Prior to administering a survey, the IRAP survey team may require additional information including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Standard seed file with predefined attributes
  • Budget for incentives/marketing
  • Consent statement
  • Invitation letter
  • Reminder messages

After survey administration, the IRAP survey team will download the data from Qualtrics, clean the data, and provide data files and a data codebook.

For additional questions, please contact