UC Campus Safety Symposium

Campus stairs

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is the University of California hosting the UC Campus Safety Symposium?

The national debate on policing has permeated many college campuses around the country. Just as municipalities are considering changes in policing tactics, the University of California has also faced the call for reimagining or reforming policing on its campuses and locations.

Coming on the heels of the Presidential Task Force on Universitywide Policing Implementation Report this past June, UC is convening the symposium to continue engaging with the University community on this critical issue as part of our ongoing commitment to public safety and best practices.

What are the expected outcomes? 

This event will bring together campus, Office of the President, and Regental representatives as well as national experts to discuss recommendations, best practices, and future plans. The symposium will inform the development of new systemwide guidelines intended to foster greater trust and understanding between campus communities and UC police departments, while ensuring the safety of all community members.

Why is the meeting being held over two separate days?

The symposium is being held in two parts to ensure that diverse points of view are fully heard and that UC stakeholders have time to thoughtfully discuss the many complex issues related to this important topic.

Part 1, on Feb. 2, 2021, seeks to deepen our shared understanding of the diverse experiences and points of view on policing, social justice, campus safety issues;

Part 2, on March 24, 2021, will be a working session focused on learning about campus progress reports and developing systemwide guidelines on campus safety. Systemwide guidelines developed with input from these meetings will be presented to the UC Board of Regents for further discussion and possible adoption later in Spring or Summer 2021.

Who will participate in the symposium? How do participants register?

Over 150 campus leaders, made up of UC students, faculty, staff, and campus administrators have been invited to actively participate in the symposium, including the breakout sessions. Invitees include UC Chancellors, Provosts, Academic Senate leaders, undergraduate and graduate/professional leaders, co-chairs of campus task forces on policing, and vice chancellors in diversity/inclusion, student affairs, and administration. Invitees have received invitations to register for the symposium. Plenary sessions will be livestreamed, and the entire UC community is invited to watch.

Will the symposium be viewable to the public? How can they watch?

Yes. Anyone can watch a live stream of the event, and it will be archived for later viewing for those who are unable to watch it live. 

I was invited but cannot attend. Can I assign a designate?

Yes. Invitees who are unable to attend may request to send a representative. If you have further questions about sending a designate, please email: UCCampusSafetySymposium@ucop.edu 

How were the UC panelists selected?

The event organizers asked for nominations from across UC stakeholder and affinity groups.

Where can I find other pertinent UC resources and information on the topic? 

You can see the agenda, speaker biographies and relevant background resources online.

Where can I find information on the speakers, facilitators, and panelists? 

Speaker and panelist biographies are posted online.

Where can speakers and panelists go for more guidance on meeting logistics?

All speakers and panelists will receive an email with instructions prior to the event date. They may also email event organizers with questions at: UCCampusSafetySymposium@ucop.edu 

Where can I find background information about policing at UC?

You can find relevant background information under ‘Resources’ on the UC Campus Safety Symposium agenda page, including information about the Presidential Task Force on Universitywide Policing, the Response to Protests on UC Campuses. There is also helpful background information in the UC Board of Regents discussion item in July 2020.

What if I have additional questions?

You can reach event organizers with any additional questions at: UCCampusSafetySymposium@ucop.edu