Approval of Contractors and Consultants

As of May 2023, the existing Approval for Contractors and Consultants (AC&C) process has been updated. After a thorough review and evaluation, Chief Operating Officer Rachael Nava has approved that specific types of engagements no longer require a completed and approved AC&C form. See memo for details.

Categories no longer requiring an AC&C form:

  • Software purchases and maintenance
  • Building Services agreements (excluding those governed by Article 5)
  • UC Press contractors and consultants
  • Grant funded Programs
  • "No cost extension” or allowed renewals initially written in the agreement
  • Professional Services firms (knowledge workers) when an existing master services agreement (MSA) is being exercised (excluding IT or professional service staffing agreements)

Categories continuing to require an AC&C form:

  • Any covered service that could be governed by Article 5, including, but not limited to, Food Services, Security Services, Building Maintenance , Ground/Landscaping Services, Cleaning and Custodial Services
  • IT or Professional Service staffing procured using a master service agreement (MSA)
  • Creation of contract with an independent contractor or consultant when no existing agreement is in place

This process applies to all OP departments and divisions, including the Officers of the Regents and OP employees in the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

IMPORTANT:  Decision Memo (DM) is no longer required for projects costing < $300K.

Process for Non-Construction/Non-Maintenance Project

  1. Department consults with subject matter expert unit(s) to ensure the work does not overlap with existing operations and staff, and to see if the need can be addressed using existing internal resources.
  2. If the amount is greater or equal to $300K, please consult the DM process.
  3. Requestor completes the Request for Approval of Contractors and Consultants (AC&C form pdf) for Department Head approval.
  4. Following Department Head’s approval, requestor submits as an attachment with other documentation on a requisition in Oracle/FIS.
  5. Local Procurement provides comments/recommendations. If request appears to overlap with work done by expert units, Local Procurement may convene a cross-functional Advisory Board to assist in the review.
  6. Local Procurement returns the AC&C signed by Local Human Resources and Local Procurement to the requesting department for any needed further approvals based on the approval matrix below.
  7. If approved, Local Procurement updates the requisition and provides next steps.

Process for Hiring a Search Firm

  1. Hiring manager consults with Local HR Business Partner or Local HR Talent Acquisition to see if the need can be addressed using existing internal resources or an existing search firm under contract.
  2. If the amount is greater or equal to $300K, please consult the DM process.
  3. Hiring manager completes the Request for Approval of Contractors and Consultants (AC&C form, pdf) and after obtaining the Department Head’s signature, forward electronically to Kelly Howard in Talent Acquisition.
  4. Talent Acquisition signs off and forwards electronically to Local Procurement.
  5. Once approved, Local Procurement notifies Talent Acquisition, and Talent Acquisition in turn notifies the hiring manager via email with a copy to the Local HR Business Partner.
Approval Authority
>= $300K Consult DM process

AC&C Form + DM

< $300K Division Heads AC&C Form
< $100K Vice Presidents or Vice Provosts who are not Division Heads AC&C Form

Requirements for additional approval

If the negotiated contract amount exceeds the pre-approved estimate by 10% or more, then additional approvals are required as follows:

  • More than 10%: Division Head is authorized to approve.
  • New total, regardless of percentage, greater or equal to $300K: Consult DM process.