Student and Equity Affairs
Student leadership and involvement
Local and systemwide community service and leadership opportunities at UC
Full-time UC students spend between 12 and 18 hours per week taking classes, and those who engage in activities outside the classroom tend to be more successful.
UC Student Association (UCSA)
The UCSA is a coalition of undergraduate, graduate and professional students from UC's 10 campuses. The association aims to provide a collective voice for all students to the UC Regents, UC Office of the President, Office of the Governor and legislature. Representatives serve one-year terms on a variety of committees. Each year, UCSA determines an action agenda for the year and advocates for those issues. Past action agenda items have included diversity, collective bargaining and affordability.
Student Services facilitates communications and meetings between UC leadership and UCSA. For more information on UCSA, please contact Eric Heng.
Systemwide Committees
At any given time, the University has an array of committees working to address issues that carry significance for the entire UC system. Students who serve on systemwide committees represent all UC students and are nominated by UCSA. Please see the UCSA website for a description of each committee's charge and the application process.Student Services, working in collaboration with UCSA and with committee staff, facilitates the official appointment of students to systemwide committees and supports student participation by funding student transportation costs associated with attendance at committee meetings. For more information about student participation on systemwide committees, please contact George Zamora.
Student Regent
The student Regent is a voting member of The Regents of the University of California, and attends all meetings of the board and its committees. The selection process includes the Council of Student Body Presidents, UCSA Board of Directors, and The Regents' Special Committee to Select a Student Regent. Once selected, the student Regent serves a two-year term beginning July 1st. During the first year, the student Regent serves as a non-voting member of the board and holds the title of "Regent-Designate." During the second year, s/he earns the title of "Regent" and becomes a voting member of The Regents.
For more information on the student Regent, visit The Regents of the University of California website.
Student Representatives to The Regents at UC Regents Meetings
UCSA sends four students (per day) to Regents' meetings as official guests of the meeting. Students sit in the staff section of the auditorium and have informal opportunities to speak with Regents during the meeting. Any UC student can apply to be a Student Advocate. Application information is available on-line at UCSA's website.
Registered Campus Organizations (a.k.a. Clubs)
Registered campus organizations at the University of California provide students with numerous opportunities to get involved on campus. Student groups cover a wide range of interests, including academics; the arts; culture and ethnicity; political, professional, religious, service and social issues; rally and spirit activities; and sports and recreation; among others.
Student Services provides coordinative support to the various offices that provide guidance to clubs and organizations, and responds to questions related to the systemwide policies governing registered campus organizations.
In January 2009, Student Services and Risk Services convened the systemwide Student Liability Workgroup to serve as an advisory council for the implementation of the University's event liability insurance program for Registered Campus Organizations (RCO). The program, which was successfully rolled out at UC campuses in the fall of 2009, provides insurance coverage (paid for by the University) for most on-campus events held by RCOs. The program also allows RCOs to purchase liability insurance for events they hold off-campus. The Student Liability Workgroup meets regularly to discuss and review the event liability insurance program, and to share best practices for advising RCO activities.
For more information about Registered Campus Organizations or the Student Liability Workgroup, contact Belinda Vea.