Student and Equity Affairs
Sarah Reed
University Registrar, UC Berkeley
Brian Hodge
Univeristy Registrar, UC DavisPhone: (530) 752-3619
Elizabeth Bennett
University Registrar & Director of Student Information Systems, UC Irvine
Phone: (949) 824-7982
Fax: (949) 824-7896
Kate Jakaway Kelly
University Registrar, UCLA
Phone: (310) 825-1443
Fax: (310) 206-5242
Erin Webb
University Registrar, UC MercedPhone: (209) 228 - 4501
Bracken Dailey
University Registrar, UC Riverside
Phone: (951) 827-3427
Fax: (951) 827-7368
Cindy Lyons
University Registrar, UC San Diego
Phone: (858) 534-5448
Fax: (858) 534-5723
Doug Carlson
University Registrar, UC San Francisco
Phone: (415) 476-4527
Fax: (415) 476-9690
Anthony Schmid
University Registrar, UC Santa BarbaraPhone: (805) 893-3159
Tchad Sanger
University Registrar, UC Santa CruzPhone: (831) 459-5604
Shawn Brick
Executive Director, Student Financial Support, UC Office of the President
Phone: (510) 987-9872
Fax: (510) 987-9522