2024-2025 OPSA Steering Committee

Table features members of the 2024-25 OPSA Steering Committee and their respective assignments. The first row contains their name, and the second row reflects their assignment.
Tom Myers Tom Myers Chair
Erica White Erica White Vice Chair
Lisa Smith Past Chair, ERG Communications Advisory Group
Erica White Angela Porras-Weydemuller Recording Secretary, Marketing & Communication
Doug Kanigher Doug Kanigher Treasurer, Programs/Events
Shirley Bittlingmeier Shirley Bittlingmeier

Marketing & Communications

Teala Daniels-Cabral Teala Daniels-Cabral Advocacy
Danielle Gunkel Marketing & Communications
Giselle Jose Giselle Jose CUCSA Delegate, Career Development Workgroup
Gail Meloan Gail Meloan Programs/Events, Marketing & Communications
Mahjabeen Yucekul Mahjabeen Yucekul  CUCSA Delegate, Advocacy Workgroup