Violent Acts Mitigation and Prevention

Mass acts of violence are increasing in both frequency and severity. Since 2020, there have been more than 600 mass shootings each year in the United States. Additionally, acts of violence are prevalent in hospitals and medical centers, with up to 38% of health workers being the target of physical violence at some point in their careers.

The Violent Acts Mitigation and Prevention (VAMP) program provides funding for UC locations to address the ongoing threat of violent acts. “Violent acts” includes any physical assault, threat of assault (written, electronic, verbal, or otherwise), or threatening behavior (physical or verbal) occurring in its campuses or medical centers. Funding will be used to implement protections that mitigate and prevent harm from violent individuals. Examples of such programs include but are not limited to:

  • Active shooter alarms for first responders (e.g. ShotSpotter or equivalent)
  • Access control efforts (card key devices, etc.)
  • Video surveillance
  • Installation of access control barriers
  • Installation of escape routes/roadways
  • Improved emergency warning systems to the campus
  • Safety trainings, such as active assailant response, threat assessment, and de-escalation

The funding is for new or improved safety programs, equipment, or training. It is not to be used for ongoing operational costs (which should be borne by the locations).

Program Goal

The purpose of the VAMP program is to significantly improve each location’s ability to discourage violent acts, protect itself from violent individuals, and ensure compliance with state laws, e.g. Labor Code § 6401.8 – Workplace Violence Prevention Plan, Cal OSHA General Industry Safety Orders §3342 Workplace Violence Prevention in Health Care, and SB533.

How VAMP Funding is Allocated to Locations

Each campus (including ANR and Office of the President) and Medical Center is eligible for up to $100,000 of annual funding. Unused funds do not carryover or aggregate to the following year – all funds must be spent within the funding period and are subject to audit.

In order to receive funding, each campus and medical center must complete and submit a funding application on the BSAS/VAMP portal. OPRS will review the proposed usage of the funding and notify locations when their applications are approved.  As with Be Smart About Safety (BSAS) applications, OPRS will work with the location/applicant if any additional information is needed in order to approve the application.

The process for approving funding requests will follow the process each location currently uses for its General/Auto/Employment/Property Be Smart About Safety programs.

In order to develop a proposal, it is recommended that a risk assessment be performed to identify the location’s priorities in minimizing harm from violent individuals and acts. The risk assessment may be conducted by an outside consultant or may be conducted jointly by the location’s Risk Services, UCPD, UC Health System Security, Workplace Violence Prevention and Emergency Management units. The first year program allocation may include a proposal to cover the costs for an outside consultant to complete the risk assessment.

Following the risk assessment, each location will have discretion to spend program funds as it wishes, so long as the spending is consistent with the risk assessment and goes to tangible programs for minimizing harm from violent individuals.