Researchers (PIs, Post-Docs, Graduate Students)

What are MAQs and how do they impact me?

Fire Code Maximum Allowable Quantities (MAQs) are limits on types and quantities of hazardous materials (chemicals) that can safely be stored in buildings. MAQ limits are dependent on how the building was constructed, whether it has full automatic fire sprinkler coverage, and other variables such as which floor/level chemicals are being stored and used. MAQ limits are more restrictive for highly hazardous chemicals and on upper floors (above 3rd story).

MAQ limits for your lab are impacted by your specific building and lab space. For many buildings, you share the MAQ limits with other labs on the same floor as you. In other spaces, your lab may be surrounded on all sides by fire-resistant rated construction, keeping it as a separate “control area” from neighboring labs. If your lab is separated, MAQ limits are restricted to your individual control area.

Upper floors (higher than 3rd story) are more challenging for occupants to evacuate during emergencies. These upper levels are also more challenged for first responders to access, therefore the MAQ limits are reduced on higher levels relative to the first floor.

In many cases, your lab will need to reduce chemical quantities in order to be compliant with the California Fire Code. Operationally, this could mean lab cleanouts and removal of older chemicals, more frequent orders of common chemicals in smaller quantities (rather than bulk), sharing common chemicals within your lab (rather than each researcher having their own container), and reliance on stock rooms or re-use facilities for some chemicals. 

Contact EH&S or your Campus Fire Marshal to learn more about MAQ limits for your lab and control area.