Research Policy Analysis and Coordination
List of “Exempt Organizations” (Non-Governmental Entities whose Support Does Not Trigger a Requirement for a PI to File a 700-U Form)
The research sponsors listed below are approved by the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) as entities whose support does not trigger a requirement for a PI to file a 700-U form (Statement of Economic Interests for PIs). These entities are sometimes referred to as "exempt organizations." This list is provided by the FPPC (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 2, § 18755). In addition, all non-profit tax-exempt educational institutions are exempt from the disclosure requirement.
Principal Investigators are not required to fill out Form 700-U financial disclosure statements for research that is sponsored by the organizations below or by non-profit tax-exempt educational institutions.
A list of sponsors that follow Public Health Services (PHS) conflict of interest disclosure requirements is available here.
Use your browser's find button to search the names below, or click on a letter.
- ALS Association (previously Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Society of America)
- Alzheimer's Association (aka Alzheimer's Disease & Related Disorders Association)
- American Academy of Dermatology
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Association for State & Local History
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
- American Association of Retired Persons
- American Cancer Society
- American Chemical Society
- American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists
- American College of Radiology
- American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science
- American Council of Learned Societies
- American Diabetes Association
- American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education
- American Fund for Dental Education, Inc.
- American Gastroenterologic Association
- American Heart Association
- American Kidney Fund
- American Library Association
- American Liver Foundation
- American Lung Association
- American Lupus Society, The
- American Nurses Foundation
- American Parkinson Disease Association
- American Philosophical Society
- American Red Cross
- Arthritis Foundation
- Asthma & Allergy Foundation of America
- BrightFocus Foundation (previously American Health Assistance Foundation)
- Bush Foundation, The
- California Association for Neurologically Handicapped Children
- California Division of the American Cancer Society
- California Heart Association
- California Lung Association
- Cargill Foundation
- Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
- Cerebral Palsy Foundation
- Chicago Community Trust, The
- Childs Memorial Fund, The Jane Coffin
- Christian Children's Fund
- Clark Foundation, The Edna McConnell
- Columbia Foundation
- Commonwealth Fund, The
- Cooley's Anemia Foundation
- Council on Library Resources
- Crohn's & Colitis Foundation (previously National Foundation for Ileitis & Colitis)
- Culpeper Foundation, Inc., Charles E.
- Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
- Deafness Research Foundation, The
- Donner Foundation, William H.
- Dover Fund, Inc.
- Dreyfus Foundation, Inc., The Camille & Henry
- Dreyfus Foundation, The Max & Victoria
- Dysautonomia Foundation
- Earhart Foundation
- Easter Seal Research Foundation
- Epilepsy Foundation of America
- Eye Research Institute of Retina Foundation
- Fight for Sight
- Ford Foundation, The
- Foundation for Child Development
- Fuller Fund, The Anna
- German Marshall Fund of the U.S.
- Giannini Foundation
- Grant Foundation, The William T.
- Guggenheim Foundation, H.F.
- Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, John Simon
- Haas Fund, The Walter & Elise
- Hartford Foundation, John A.
- Haynes Foundation, The John Randolf & Dora
- Hearst Foundation, William R.
- Hewlett Foundation, The William & Flora
- Institute for Educational Affairs
- International Research & Exchanges Board
- Japan Foundation
- JDRF (previously Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation; Juvenile Diabetes Foundation)
- Johnson Foundation, The Robert Wood
- Kade Foundation, Inc., The Max
- Kaiser Family Foundation, The Henry J.
- Keck Foundation, William M.
- Kellogg Foundation, W.K.
- Klingenstein Fund, The Esther & Joseph
- Knights Templar Eye Foundation
- Kresge Foundation, The
- Kunstadter Family Foundation, The Albert
- Leakey Foundation, The L.S.B.
- Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
- Levi Strauss Foundation
- Lilly Endowment, Inc.
- Luce Foundation, Inc., The Henry
- Lupus Foundation of America
- MacArthur Foundation, John D. & Catherine T.
- March of Dimes
- Markle Foundation, The John & Mary R.
- McKnight Foundation, The
- Mellon Foundation, The Andrew W.
- Mott Foundation, Charles Stewart
- Muscular Dystrophy Association
- Myasthenia Gravis Foundation
- National Academy of Sciences
- National Collegiate Athletic Association
- National Council of Teachers of English
- National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
- National Fund for Medical Education
- National Geographic Society
- National Head Injury Foundation
- National Hemophilia Foundation
- National Kidney Foundation
- National Leukemia Association
- National Migraine Foundation
- National Multiple Sclerosis Society
- National Research Council
- National Retinitis Pigmentosa Foundation
- National Society to Prevent Blindness
- National Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Foundation
- National Tuberous Sclerosis Association
- Northern California Society to Prevent Blindness
- Noyes Foundation, Inc., Jessie Smith
- Organization for Tropical Studies
- Packard Foundation, The David & Lucille
- Paralyzed Veterans of America
- Pardee Foundation, Elsa U.
- Peierls Foundation, Inc., The
- Picker Foundation, James
- Population Council
- Presiding Bishop's Fund for World Relief
- Project HOPE
- Research Corporation
- Research to Prevent Blindness
- Resources for the Future, Inc.
- Retirement Research Foundation
- Richardson Foundation, Smith
- Rippel Foundation, Fannie E.
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund
- Rockefeller Foundation
- Rosenberg Foundation
- Rubin Foundation, Inc., Samuel
- Runyon-Walter Winchell Cancer Fund, Damon
- Sage Foundation, Russell
- San Francisco Foundation
- Scaife Foundation, Inc., Sara
- Schiff Foundation
- Scottish Rite Schizophrenia Research Program
- Sherman Foundation, Nate H.
- Skaggs Foundation, L.J. & Mary C.
- Skin Cancer Foundation
- Sloan Foundation, Alfred P.
- Social Science Research Council
- Society for Classical Studies (previously American Philological Association)
- Spencer Foundation, The
- Teagle Foundation
- Tinker Foundation, Inc., The
- Treadwell Foundation, Nora Eccles
- U.S. Olympic Committee
- United Cerebral Palsy
- United Scleroderma Research Foundation
- Webb Foundation, Del E.
- Weingart Foundation
- Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc.
- Whitehall Foundation
- Whitney Foundation, the Helen Hay
- Wood Charitable Trust, W.P.
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- Zellerbach Family Fund