Budget Analysis and Planning
Descriptions of charges
In November 2010, the regents approved changing the name of the Educational Fee to "Tuition," the name of Fees for Selected Professional School Students to "Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition," and the name of Nonresident Tuition to "Nonresident Supplemental Tuition," effective July 1, 2011.
- Tuition, formerly known as the Educational Fee, charged to all registered students, provides general support for the University's operating budget, including costs related to general campus and health sciences faculty and instructional support; libraries and other academic support; student services; institutional support; and operation and maintenance of plant. Tuition revenue is also used to provide student financial support.
- The Student Services Fee, formerly known as the Registration Fee, is also charged to all registered students and funds services that are necessary to students but not part of the University’s programs of instruction, research, or public service. The majority of the fee funds are spent on student services, including counseling and career guidance, cultural and social activities, and student health services. In addition, some Student Services Fee revenue is used for capital improvements that provide extracurricular benefits for students.
- Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition, formerly known as Fees for Selected Professional Students, are paid by students enrolled in a number of professional degree programs to support instruction and specifically to sustain and enhance program quality. The charges vary by program and campus.
- Nonresident Supplemental Tuition, formerly known as Nonresident Tuition, is charged to nonresident students in addition to mandatory charges and any applicable Professional Degree Supplemental Tuition charges, in lieu of State support for the cost of education. Nonresident Supplemental Tuition varies by student level.
- Fees Charged at the Campus Level include:
- Campus-based Fees, which vary across campuses and by student level and fund a variety of student-related expenses not supported by other fees. These fees help fund programs such as student government, the construction, renovation, and repair of sports and recreational facilities, and other items such as transit; and
- Course Materials and Services Fees (pdf), which cover costs specific to a course, such as materials to be used in a studio arts class, travel costs for an archeological dig, or information technology materials and services as they relate to a specific course.
- Health Insurance is mandatory for all students but can be waived with proof of other insurance. Levels vary by campus and student level.