Modifications for LBNL contract

Modification No. Description
M1272 executed 12/4/24 The purpose of this modification is to modify Section J List of Attachments Appendix H FY25 Small Business Subcontracting Plan.
M1266 executed 9/30/24 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J. Appendix B – PEMP for FY25
M1253 executed 6/13/24 The purpose of this modification is to modify Section I Contract Clauses, Section J, Appendices C, D, and I.
M1245 executed 3/11/24 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J. Appendix B FY24 PEMP notables for Goal 2 and 3.
M1241 executed 2/1/24 The purpose of this modification is to modify Section I Clauses and Section J Attachments: Appendix H - Small Business Subcontracting Plan and Appendix I - Directives
M1238 executed 1/22/24 The purpose of this modification is earned fee FY23.
M1226 executed 9/28/23 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J. Appendix B with FY24 PEMP
M1221 executed 9/13/23 The purpose of this modification is to update H.49 Conference Management, delete I.21 Required Sources for Helium and Helium Usage, and update Appendices (C, D, H, and I).
M1197 executed 1/20/23 The purpose of this modification is to update Section H Clauses 21 and 41 and Section I Clauses for FAC changes. Also update Section J. Appendices A – Advance Understanding of Human Resources, H – Small Business Subcontracting Plan, and I – DOE Directives.
M1196 executed 1/13/23 The purpose of this modification is earned fee FY22.
M1191 executed 11/9/22 The purpose of this modification is to add new Section H Clauses #46 and #47 and update Section J. Appendix B – PEMP for FY23.
M1188 executed 9/30/22 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J. Appendix B – PEMP for FY23.
M1183 executed 8/31/22 The purpose of this modification is to update titles to two patent clauses in Section I and update Section J, Appendices A, C, and I.
M1170 executed 5/18/22 The purpose of this modification is to update FAC language, patent clauses, Section G.3 and Appendix D and I.

M1163 executed 2/16/22

The purpose of this modification is to update Appendix B – PEMP to correct Goal 7 notable and change references from BASO to BSO.

M1160 executed 2/16/22

The purpose of this modification is to update Section I clauses to implement the Inspector General’s new Audit Strategy and update Appendix H with the FY22 Small Business Subcontracting Plan.
M1156 executed 1/20/22 The purpose of this modification is earned fee FY21
M1155 executed 1/20/22 The purpose of this modification is to replace I.113 Protégé Program with H.28, update Section I through FAC 2021-06, and update Patent Clauses per AL-2021-4.
M1151 executed 10/8/21 The purpose of this modification is to add FAR 52.223-99 Ensuring Adequate-19 Covid Safety Protocols for Federal Contractors.
M1150 executed 10/1/21 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J. Appendix B – PEMP for FY22.
M1143 executed 7/16/21 The purpose of this modification is to update Section I (I.111) Key Personnel and Section J. Appendix I Directive Table with DOE 142.3B
M1138 executed 5/21/21 The purpose of this modification is to update Section H (H.31), Section I FAC changes, Section J, Appendix B PEMP, Appendix I Directives and add Appendix N Sensitive Foreign Nations
M1136 executed 3/31/21 The purpose of this modification is to update Section H (H.20, H.32) and Section I (I.70, I.72, I.91, add new I. 91A), and update Section J, Appendix G.
M1132 executed 1/21/21 The purpose of this modification is to update Clause H.20 Cares Act, Clauses I.20, I.37, I.49, I.77, I.91 and Appendix H, Small Business Subcontracting Plan.
M1131 executed 12/23/20 The purpose of this modification is earned fee FY20.
M1124 executed 10/23/20 The purpose of this modification is to update FAR Clauses in Section I per FAC 2020-06, Modify Sections B.3, H.20, and H.32, Section J, Appendix G and I
M1123 executed 10/14/20 The purpose of this modification is to update Appendix B with FY21 PEMP.
M1116 executed 8/6/20 The purpose of this modification is to update Appendix B FY20 Notable Outcomes due to the COVID-19  pandemic.
M1105 executed 5/20/20 The purpose of this modification is to extend the contract in accordance with Clause F.2 Award Term Special from May 31, 2020 to May 31, 2025, update terms and conditions and sections B through J and Appendix D, O, and P of the Contract. See attached conforming contract.
IMPORTANT: I Clauses under Section I of the contract were renumbered effective Mod 1105.  Reference I Clause Renumbering Matrix under LBNL Contract Resources.
M1101 executed 4/21/20 The purpose of this modification is to implement 3610 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) under new Clause H.20.
M1100 executed 4/9/20 The purpose of this modification is to update Appendix I Directives, and add two new clauses (H.33 and I.170) due to COVID – 19 related to indemnification under Public Law 85-804.
M1092 executed 1/08/20 The purpose of this modification is earned fee FY19.
M1089 executed 12/16/19

The purpose of this modification is to replace Appendix H Subcontracting Plan, Appendix I Directives, and Appendix P to remove #3 and #7.
M1086 executed 10/31/19 The purpose of this modification is to replace Appendix C and add a new I Clauses related to Telecommunications (I.169).
M1083 executed 9/30/19

The purpose of this modification is to modify Section I Clauses related to SPP (I.134) and Pension (I.168) and modify Appendix A and update Appendix B FY2020 PEMP.
M1076 executed 7/24/19 The purpose of this modification is to update the Directive List in Appendix I. DOE Order 205.1C, and DOE Order 550.1 were updated in addition to new DOE Order 486.1 Foreign Government Talent Recruitment Programs.
M1073 executed 6/20/19 The purpose of this modification is to update the Directive List in Appendix I. DOE Orders 206.1, 442.2B and 483.1B were updated.
M1070 executed 5/16/19  The purpose of this modification is remove ARRA Clauses, update section I, including SC Alternates, and update H.32 Lobbying Restrictions and delete Appendix J with Reserved Appendix.
M1067 executed 3/28/19 The purpose of this modification is to update the Appendices.  Appendix C – Special Demand Deposit Account Agreement, Appendix H – Subcontracting Plan 2019, and Appendix I - Directives
M1060 executed 1/14/19 The purpose of this modification is earned fee for FY18. 
M1057 executed 12/12/18 The purpose of this modification is correct the numbering sequence of the clauses in Section I that were executed in M1056. 
M1056 executed 12/7/18 The purpose of this modification is to add H.53 (ACT Clause) to Section H and update Section I Clauses. 
M1051 executed 10/9/18 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J Appendix B, entitled FY19 PEMP, minor edits to objectives 8.3 and 4.4. 
M1050 executed 9/28/18 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J Appendix B, entitled FY19 PEMP. 
M1039 executed 6/21/18 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J Appendix O, entitled Key Personnel.
M1021 executed 12/14/17 The purpose of this modification is to add earned FY17 performance fee and update Section J Appendix H – Small Business Subcontracting Plan and Appendix I – Directives.
M1020 executed 11/29/17 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J Appendix A, entitled Advance Understanding of Human Resources.
M1017 executed 10/31/17 The purpose of this modification is to extend Bank Agreement for one year, Appendix C.
M1014 executed 9/29/17 The purpose of this modification is to update Appendix B for FY18 PEMP.
M1011 executed 9/25/17 The purpose of this modification is to delete some clauses and update numbering and language of I.109 and I.155.
M1003 executed 7/17/17 The purpose of this modification is to replace H.38 Real Property Clause, Update Appendix I DOE Directives, and Update Appendix O Key Personnel to remove Assurance Manager.
M996 executed 4/26/17 The purpose of this modification is to revise Appendix B PEMP for FY17. Goal 3.0 and 6.0 were revised reference SF30 for revised language.
M991 executed 3/23/17 The purpose of this modification is Update I.89 Diversity Plan, Appendix G with new Procurement thresholds, Appendix H with lower Small Business goal, Appendix I DOE Directives, Delete Appendix M and add Clause 970.5226-1 Diversity Plan, Appendix O – Key Personnel.
M985 executed 1/31/17 The purpose of this modification is earned fee FY16.
M980 executed 12/21/16 The purpose of this modification is to revise Appendix B - PEMP for FY17 and update Appendix H - Small Business Subcontracting Plan 2017.
M972 executed 10/27/16 The purpose of this modification is to update Section H – Clauses H.12 Security and H.41 Pension Plan, Section I – Clause I.159 Security (Oct. 2013) Deviation and Section J, Appendix I
M971 executed 9/29/16 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J, Appendix B, FY17 Performance Evaluation Measurement Plan (PEMP)
M970 executed 9/28/16 The purpose of this modification is to update H and I contract clauses (H.52, and I Clauses I.29, I.30, I,50 and I.80 Ownership of Records).
M963 executed 7/15/16 The purpose of this modification is to update Section I.28 Employment Report on Veterans and I.50 Subcontracts on Commercial Items only
M955 executed 4/1/16 The purpose of this modification is to update Key Personnel in Section J Appendix O.
M952 executed 3/23/16 The purpose of this modification is to update contract clauses H Clauses H.16, H.21, H.41, and I Clauses I.50, I.158 and Appendix P.
M946 executed 1/26/16 The purpose of this modification is earned fee FY15.
M945 executed 1/14/16 The purpose of this modification is to update contract clauses in Section I and in Section J Appendix A, G, H, I and P.
M938 executed 9/30/15 The purpose of this modification is to issue the FY2016 PEMP.
M934 executed 9/28/15 The purpose of this modification is to replace Clause H.49 Conference Management and to add new clause H.51 MOSRC. Appendix P was also updated to implement direction for H.49.
M930 executed 9/8/15 The purpose of this modification is to update Section I Contract Clauses.
M922 executed 6/23/15 The purpose of this modification is to revise Appendix O to updated Key Personnel.
M919 executed 5/18/15 The purpose of this modification is to extend the contract award term from May 31, 2015 to May 31, 2020, establish the maximum performance fee for each award term earned from 2015-2020, and update other contract terms and conditions. Accordingly see attached conformed copies of sections B, F,H ,I and Appendix P.
M916 executed 4/6/15 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J, Appendix I (Directive List)
M911 executed 2/25/15 The purpose of this modification is to add Clause H.50 entitled Risk Management and Insurance Programs to section H and modify Clause H.21 to Employee Compensation.
M907 executed 1/7/15 The purpose of this modification is Earned Fee FY14
M903 executed 12/8/14 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J, Appendix I DOE Directive List
M902 executed 12/8/14 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J, Appendix G Purchasing System Requirements
M901 executed 12/8/14 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J, Appendix H FY15 Small Business Subcontracting Plan
M894 executed 9/29/14 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J, Appendix B FY15 PEMP
M891 executed 8/12/14 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J, Appendix I (Directives)
M881 executed 4/10/14 The purpose of this modification is to correct Mod 856 by removing paragraph 9 (entitled Appendix A, Section XI - Costs of Recruiting Personnel) and paragraph 10 (entitled, Clause H.21 – Employee Compensation: Pay and Benefits) in their entirety.
M879 executed 4/9/14 The purpose of this modification is to amend Appendix D table to add new language "or as further extended in accordance with Clause F.1".
M871 executed
Earned fee for FY13
M870 executed
The purpose of this modification is to incorporate into appendix P the parties understanding of Clause H.27 Contractor-Funded Institutional Supporting Research and Development Program.
M869 executed 1/15/2014 The purpose of this modification is to amend Appendix B FY2014 PEMP by adding a notable outcome to Goal 2.1
M868 executed 1/15/2014 The purpose of this modification is to modify Clause H.7 entitled Privacy Act Records which removes Personnel Records of Former Contractor Employees (DOE 5), add DOE Order 206.1 entitled Department of Energy Privacy Program to the Directive List under Appendix I and add language to Appendix P to ensure clarity of DOE Order 206.1.
M864 executed 12/18/2013 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J, Appendix H in accordance with Clause I.16 Small Business Subcontracting Plan.
M861 executed 11/15/2013 The purpose of this modification is to remove Sensitive Foreign Nation List and reserve Appendix N.
M858 executed 10/8/2013

The purpose of this modification is to update Appendix I by adding DOE 0 415.1, DOE 0 420.1 and DOE 0 130,1, remove the majority of ES&H standards, reformat the Appendix and correct/add effective dates of DOE Orders.

M857 executed 10/3/2013

The purpose of this modification is to update Section H and Appendix A Clauses. Clause H.21, H.24, H.25 and H.41 have been modified and Conference Clause H.49 has been added.

M856 executed 10/2/2013

This modification is superseded by modification M857 on 10/3/2013.

M855 executed 09/30/2013 The purpose of this modification is replace the existing Appendix B - Performance Evaluation Measurement Plan with the new Appendix B - FY2014.
M848 executed 08/27/2013 The purpose of this modification is to update Appendix I.
M847 executed 08/22/2013 The purpose of this modification is to update Appendix P.
M844 executed 07/25/2013 The purpose of this modification is to add Table of Contents to M841 and M842 and administrative changes to Section I clauses in M841.
M842 executed 07/3/2013 The purpose of this modification is to update Section H clauses.
M841 executed 07/3/2013 The purpose of this modification is to update Section I clauses
M828 executed 03/27/2013 Update to Appendix I.
M821 executed 01/28/2013 The purpose of this modification is to update Section J, Appendix C, correct Section J, Appendix G,
and update Section J, Appendix H.
M816 executed
Earned fee for FY12
M814 executed 01/15/2013 The purpose of this modification is replace the existing Appendix B - Performance
Evaluation Measurement Plan with the new Appendix B - FY 2013.
M746 executed 11/16/2012 Clause H.21 WORKFORCE TRANSITION, CONTRACTOR COMPENSATION BENEFITS AND PENSION is supplemented with Paragraph (d) (1) (iv), (2) SECTION J, Attachment J.1, Appendix A ADVANCE UNDERSTANDING ON HUMAN RESOURCES SECTIONS is supplemented with SECTIONS III AND XII and (3) Attachment J.l6, Appendix P - Item 6 the referenced clause is corrected.
M781 executed 09/18/2012 Update to Appendix I
M768 executed 08/30/2012 Update to Appendix O, List of Key Personnel
M692 executed 01/03/2012 Earned fee for FY11
M680 executed 12/06/2011 The purpose of this modification is to update the list of directives in Appendix I. Note that this Mod will be corrected by a subsequent mod to Appendix I.
M673 executed 11/16/2011 The purpose of this modification is to update: Section F, Clause F.1 Period of Performance; Section J - Appendix G, Purchasing System Requirements and Section J - Appendix H, Small Business Subcontracting Plan.
M663 executed 10/18/2011 The purpose of this modification is to update Attachment J.4 Appendix D, Lease and Occupancy Agreements, Campus Buildings, Space and Equipment.
M662 executed 10/13/2011 The purpose of this modification is to remove DOE Directives that are not applicable to this contract or the requirements are duplicative.
M660 executed 09/30/2011 Earned fee for FY10
M659 executed 09/30/2011 M659 provides the performance expectations for Fiscal Year 2012.
M536 executed 03/37/2011 The purpose of this modification is to update Appendices H, I, O, and P.
M534 executed 01/31/2011 The purpose of this modification is to update the contract clauses in sections C, E, G, H and I. Revisions to sections C, E, G and H reflect required contract language for ARRA funded activities. Changes to Section I reflect updates to the contract clauses (including revisions, and deletions). In addition, several clauses required for ARRA funded activities are also added to the contract
M490 executed 09/30/2010 M490 provides the performance expectations for Fiscal Year 2011.
M400 executed 06/16/2010 M400 updates Section H by adding Clause H.30 Contractor Assurance System (see Appendix P for implementation), and updating 2 clauses in Section I (I.50 and I.120).
M368 executed 05/04/2010 Section I is amended to to incorporate 13 clause updates and 2 clause deletions. Appendix C and Appendix H to the contract are updated.
M282 executed 12/15/2009 Earned fee for FY09
M281 executed 12/18/2009 Section I is amended to add Clause I.127 FAR 52.222-54 Employment Eligibility Verification (Jan 2009).
M263 executed 11/24/2009 Changes and deletions are made to Appendix O – List of Key Personnel as shown.
M249 executed 11/19/2009 Section H and Section I clauses are updated as noted. Section J, Appendix C is also updated to show the current agreement in accordance with Section H, Clause H.43 Special Financial Institution Agreement.
M248 executed 09/30/2009 M248 provides the performance expectations for Fiscal Year 2010.
M239 executed 09/28/2009 This modification is issued to modify the statement of work for the project identified in paragraph C. below which was first identified and funded on modification A111. the scope of work is modified in Section C of Attachment A to the work authorization to add "Test and replace inoperative hot water valves and lower control valves at various locations."
M186 executed 07/31/2009 M186 updates Appendix P by adding paragraph 5 which references paragraph (d) of Clause I.78 DEAR 9970.5203-3 Contractor’s Organization (DEC 2000).
M165 executed 07/27/2009 M165 executed 07/27/2009 Pursuant to clause F.2 Award Term Incentive the Award Term Determining Official has determined the contractor is entitled to an award term incentive of a one year extension to the contract based on performance during FY 2008.
M163 executed 07/22/2009 M163 incorporates clause revisions and deletes one clause
M140 executed 06/15/2009 The Award Term Determining Official has determined the contractor is entitled to the initial award term incentive of a three year extension to the contract. See clause F.1 Period of Performance.
M134 executed 06/12/2009 M134 includes the revised performance expectations for Fiscal Year 2009 via an updated Appendix B. In addition, Appendix H ­ Small Business Subcontracting Plan, is revised and provides the revised subcontracting goals for Fiscal Year 2009.
A105 executed 04/09/2009 Appendix P is updated as described.
M092 executed 03/23/2009 Appendix O is updated as described.
M083 executed 02/04/2009 Earned fee for FY08.
M070 executed 10/01/2008 M070, Appendix B, Performance Evaluation Measurement Plan provides the performance expectations for Fiscal Year 2009.
M066 executed 12/22/2008 M066 incorporates clause revisions and deletions and new clauses. It also establishes new Appendix P, that will contain supplementary understandings of the parties regarding implementation of designated standard clauses and/or directives.
M063 executed 07/10/2008 Appendix B - FY 2008 Performance Evaluation and Measurement Plan has been revised to update performance expectations for Fiscal Year 2008.
M060 executed 02/19/2008 Earned fee for FY07
M058 executed 03/11/2008 MO58 updates two Section I clauses and one clause in Section C, Description/Specs./Work Statement.In addition, Appendix H, Small Business Subcontracting Plan is updated to reflect the Plan for FY 2008.Appendix O, Key Personnel, is also modified.
M053 executed 10/18/2007 MO53 deletes an H clause, updates (4) I clauses, adds a new I clause, and updates Appendix O, Key Personnel.
M052 executed 10/02/2007 Appendix B, Performance Evaluation Measurement Plan is updated to provide the performance expectations for Fiscal Year 2008.
M049 executed 08/02/2007 Clause F.2 - AWARD TERM INCENTIVE (SPECIAL) is modified.
M046 executed 07/03/2007 Appendices A, B and H are updated as described.
M042 effective 03/12/2007 Appendices G and O are updated as described.
M039 effective 03/12/2007 Section H and Section I clauses are updated as noted.
M033 effective 10/01/2006 Mod 033 Appendix B - Performance Evaluation Measurement Plan provides the
performance expectations for Fiscal Year 2007.
M030 executed 8/10/06 M030 provided for the addition of new clause H.45 Special Agreement on Fee from June 1, 2005 to September 30, 2006, and changes to various I clauses.
M025 executed 7/13/06 Mid-year revision to 4.2.5 of Appendix B Performance Evaluation Measurement Plan for Fiscal Year 2006.
M019 executed 07/13/2006 Revisions to I.16, I.21, and I.22.
Also, update to Sec J Appendix H, Small Business Subcontracting Plan
M010 effective 12/14/2005 This mod deletes clauses not needed with the new contract awarded to the incumbent, provides administrative corrections, and updates Appendix O, Key Personnel.
M009 effective 10/01/2005 Mod 009 Appendix B - Performance Evaluation Measurement Plan provides the performance expectations for Fiscal Year 2006.
M006 effective 06/01/2005 Replace Section J.2 Appendix B with the attached Appendix B effective 6/1/05. The intent is to continue the previously agreed to Appendix F Performance Evaluation Measurement Plan effective 10/01/04 from Contract DE-AC02-76SF00098 for the balance of Fiscal Year 2005 under Contract DE-AC02-05CH1131.
M001 effective 05/31/2005 New LBNL Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231.
Delete Appendix L Performance Guarantee, and change to RESERVED.
Modify clauses:
I.104 970.5232-4- OBLIGATION OF FUNDS (DEC 2000)
M411 effective 01/31/2005 The parties have agreed to extend the period of performance of this contract through May 31, 2005.
M408 executed 12/14/2004 Earned Program Performance Fee for FY2004.
M406 effective 10/01/04 Appendix F, Objective Standards of Performance dated 10/01/04 for Fiscal
Year 2005, is revised and incorporated into the contract.
Changes are in the Introduction and Property Management.
M404 effective 10/01/04 Appendix F, Objective Standards of Performance dated 10/01/2004 for FY 2005
is incorporated into the contract.
M394 executed 03/16/04 Appendix F, Objective Standards of Performance dated 02/23/2004 for FY 2004 is incorporated into the contract.
A393 executed 03/10/2004 Earned Program Performance Fee for FY2003.
M390 effective 01/31/2004 The parties have agreed to extend the period of performance of this contract through January 31, 2005.
M380 effective 09/22/2003 The parties have agreed to extend the period of performance of this contract to enable negotiation of a longer term contract as authorized by the Secretary’s Decision dated July 30, 2002. The subsequent agreement when executed is anticipated to be retroactive to October 1, 2002 except as may be otherwise provided for in that agreement. Pursuant to this agreement the terms and conditions of this contract are modified on the effective date as set forth in M380.
M378 executed 08/26/03 Appendix F, Objective Standards of Performance dated 10/01/02 for FY 2003 is updated and incorporated into the contract.
M377 effective 08/18/2003 The parties have agreed to extend the period of performance of this contract to enable negotiation of a longer term contract as authorized by the Secretary’s Decision dated July 30, 2002. The subsequent agreement when executed is anticipated to be retroactive to October 1, 2002 except as may be otherwise provided for in that agreement. Pursuant to this agreement the terms and conditions of this contract are modified on the effective date as set forth in M377.
M372 effective 02/26/2003 The parties have agreed to extend the period of performance of this contract to enable negotiation of a longer term contract as authorized by the Secretary’s Decision dated July 30, 2002. The subsequent agreement when executed is anticipated to be retroactive to October 1, 2002 except as may be otherwise provided for in that agreement. Pursuant to this agreement the terms and conditions of this contract are modified on the effective date as set forth in M372.
M371 executed 04/17/03 Appendix F, Objective Standards of Performance dated 10/01/02 for FY 2003 is updated and incorporated into the contract.
M363 executed 03/06/03 Earned Program Performance Fee for FY2002.
M364 updated 02/28/2003 Appendix F, Objective Standards of Performance dated 10/01/02 for FY 2003 is updated and incorporated into the contract.
M367 effective 02/26/2003 The parties have agreed to extend the period of performance of this contract to enable negotiation of a longer term contract as authorized by the Secretary’s Decision dated July 30, 2002. The subsequent agreement when executed is anticipated to be retroactive to October 1, 2002 except as may be otherwise provided for in that agreement. Pursuant to this agreement the terms and conditions of this contract are modified on the effective date as set forth in M367.
M365 effective 01/01/2003 Modify Appendix A, SECTION IX - LEAVES WITHOUT PAY, paragraph (d)(5).
M361 effective 01/24/2003 The parties have agreed to extend the period of performance of this contract to enable negotiation of a longer term contract as authorized by the Secretary’s Decision dated July 30, 2002. The subsequent agreement when executed is anticipated to be retroactive to October 1, 2002 except as may be otherwise provided for in that agreement. Pursuant to this agreement the terms and conditions of this contract are modified on the effective date as set forth in M361.
M360 effective 12/02/2002 Delete and replace Clause 4.3 in it's entirety.
M357 effective 10/01/2001 Modify Appendix A Section III - Compensation to delete paras. (g)(7), (8), & (9), and change (g)(6), as a result of the deletion of the multiplier.
M353 effective 10/01/2002 The parties have agreed to extend the period of performance of this contract to enable negotiation of a longer term contract as authorized by the Secretary’s Decision dated July 30, 2002. The subsequent agreement when executed is anticipated to be retroactive to October 1, 2002 except as may be otherwise provided for in that agreement. Pursuant to this agreement the terms and conditions of this contract are modified on the effective date as set forth in M353.
M351 executed 9/6/2002 Appendix B, Special Demand Deposit Account Agreement is replaced with new Appendix B, effective 10/01/2002.
M345 executed 4/10/2002 Appendix F dated 10/01/01 is revised to reflect midyear changes revised 4/02/2002 to the functional areas of financial Management, Human Resources, Procurement and Property.
M342 executed 02/08/02 Earned Program Performance Fee for FYO1.
M340 executed 12/12/2001 Modify Appendix A at Section IX - Leaves Without Pay (new para (f)), and Section XI - Military Leave.
M335 executed 10/01/2001 Appendix F, Objective Standards of Performance, dated 10/01/01 for Fiscal Year 2002 are hereby incorporated into the contract.
M333 effective 10/01/00
executed 8/24/01
Replace Appendix C with new version which references website. Amend Appendix F in Property only.
M329 executed 05/24/2001 Modify Appendix A, Section III - Compensation to add new paragraph (b) Hiring Bonus Program [LBNL].
M327 executed 05/04/2001 Appendix F dated 10/01/00 is hereby revised to reflect the mid year changes. Changes were made to the functional areas of Laboratory Management, Facilities Management, Financial Management, Human Resources, Procurement, and Property.
M325 effective 04/01/2001 Revisions to clauses 8.9, 8.10, and 8.11.
M322 effective 02/07/2001 Earned Program Performance Fee for FYOO.
M319 effective 11/13/2000 Modify Appendix A, Section VIII - Leaves With Pay,(c)(3)(vii) and (viii).
M317 effective 10/23/2000 Appendix A, Section XIV is modified to include a new (c) Employee Referral Incentive Program (ERIP). [LBNL only]
M314 effective 10/01/2000 Appendix F, Objective Standards of Performance,dated 10/01/00 for Fiscal Year 2001 are hereby incorporated into the contract.
M311 effective 07/20/2000 Revisions to various clauses
M305 effective 04/01/2000 Appendix F dated 10/01/99 is hereby revised to reflect the mid year changes. Changes were made to the functional areas of Financial Management, Property Management, Human Resources, ES&H and ERWM. Appendix F revised as of 04/01/00 is attached in its entirety.
M306 effective 03/16/2000 Revisions to various clauses
M303 effective 02/01/2000 Earned Program Performance Fee for FY99.
M301 effective 12/01/99 Appendix A, Section XV is deleted in its entirety and replaced with a new Section XV.
M296 effective 10/01/99 Appendix C, Treaties and International Agreements/Waived Inventions has been replaced in its entirety.
Appendix E, Statement of Work has been revised to include the Spallation Neutron Source project.
M290 effective 10/01/99
corrected 11/16/99
Appendix F, Objective Standards of Performance, dated 10/01/99 for Fiscal Year 2000 are hereby incorporated into the contract.

Correct the weight under Laboratory Management, Criterion 1.1 from 70% to 100%. Starting with Criterion 1.2 for Information Management, take out duplicate HR information and replace with correct Information Management criterion and measures.

M292 effective 08/23/99 Appendix F revised to add the Spallation Neutron Source Project, in Section A - Science and Technology Self-Assessment, and Section B, Part III - Facilities Management.
M281 effective 04/19/99 Revisions to various clauses.
M289 effective 04/01/99 Appendix F is revised in the area of Financial Management. Adds Exhibit I. Corrects typo in Property.
M283 effective 04/01/99 Appendix F dated 10/01/98 is revised to reflect mid year changes. Changes were made to the functional areas of Laboratory Management, ERWM, ES&H, Financial Management, Human Resources, and Property.
M280 effective 03/01/99 Earned Program Performance Fee for FY98
M271 effective 09/15/98 Appendix F, Objectives Standards of Performance, dated 10/01/98 for Fiscal Year 1999 are hereby incorporated into the contract.
M272 effective 08/31/98 Corrections to M 264 dated 04/01/98 for FY98 Appendix F, Section B, Part II-2, Environment, Safety and Health,

a. Performance Criteria 1.1, change the weight from 8% to 10%.

b. Performance Criteria 1.5, Performance Measure 1.5.e, change the weight from 5% to 7%.

M268 effective 08/24/98 Revisions to various clauses.
M262 effective 08/24/98 Revision to Clause 8.1, DEAR 970.5204-22 Contractor Purchasing System (Oct 1995) (Modified), paragraph (l) - increase equal opportunity preaward clearance threshold from $1 million to $10 million as a result of the change to Executive Order 11256.
M264 effective 04/01/98 Appendix F dated 10/01/97 is hereby revised effective 04/01/98 to reflect the mid year changes. Changes were made to the functional areas of ERWM, ES&H, Human Resources, and Property.
M257 effective 11/19/97 1. Revision to Appendix F, Section A, Science and Technology Self-Assessment is hereby incorporated into the contract. Replace pages F-2 and F-3 with pages F-2 dated 11/19/97 and F-3.

2. Revision to Appendix F, Section B, Environment Restoration and Waste Management is hereby incorporated into the contract. Replace pages F-8 to F-19 with pages F-8 to F-19 dated 11/19/97.

3. Revision to Appendix F, Section B, Environment, Safety, and Health is hereby incorporated into the contract. Replace pages F-20 to F-58 with pages F-20 to F-58 dated 11/19/97.

M253 effective 10/1/97 Supplemental Agreement to Contract No. DE-AC03-76SF00098 extending the Prime Contract for LBNL for the period 10/1/97 through 9/30/02.

M821 executed 01/28/2013