The Office of the President is hosting a Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Day event each year. Designed to be more than a career day, this program goes beyond the average “shadow” an adult. Exposing girls and boys to what a parent or mentor in their lives does during the work day is important, but showing them the value of their education, helping them discover the power and possibilities associated with a balanced work and family life, and providing them an opportunity to share how they envision the future and begin steps toward their end goals in a hands-on and interactive environment is key to their achieving success.
The activities planned for the Office of the President are part of a nationally recognized campaign led by the Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Foundation. This foundation is dedicated to developing innovative strategies and research-based activities in informal educational programs that empower girls and boys in all sectors of society to confront and overcome societal messages about youth so that they may reach their full potential and live fulfilling lives. Through its leadership, expertise, and collaborations, the Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work Foundation advocates for changes in social policy and public awareness on behalf of youth.