UC Investments
In addition to the defined benefit plan, the UC Retirement Savings Program provides employees with supplemental retirement benefits. The program consists of the Tax-Deferred 403(b) Plan, the 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan and the Defined Contribution Plan, which is made up of a pretax account for mandatory contributions and an after-tax account for voluntary contributions.
For reporting, see investment reports and Fidelity NetBenefits.
myUCretirement Link
Your source for “All Things Retirement”. Helping you make the most of your UC Retirement System: UCRP and the 403(b), 457(b) and DC Plans.
UC Funds profiles Link
When investing their defined contribution funds, employees may choose among 26 fund options under the direction of the Office of the Chief Investment Officer. The Office manages each fund, or selects the fund’s investment manager.